A gift from my grandmother
The brass tray, a gift from my grandmother to my mum during the war-time. She still keeps it until now.
I want to record some moments forever about my mum, not only in my mind and heart, but also in a tangible shape.
My mum, 83 years old, is a carrying wife, a dedicated mother, and a woman with strong will and mind. Since my father passed away, my mum got pain with the osteoporosis and spine osteoarthritis (symptoms). She could not move so all personal activities such as eating, hygiene were carried out in bed. We had tried all possibilities to cure her such as: injections, acupuncture,
applying herbal medicine to her back... Over time she was getting better, and now she is able to walk and handle things by herself.
The time I have started photographing my mum is the time I m connected tightly to her, to understand her more deeper ...
Trần Việt Văn, Viet Nam, Ha Noi