\"Star Vortex at Deadvlei\"
A captivating long-exposure photograph showcasing the iconic dead trees of Deadvlei, Namibia, set against a mesmerizing spiral of star trails. The stark silhouettes of two ancient camel thorn trees stand frozen in time on the white clay pan, while the night sky explodes in concentric circles of blue, purple, and orange hues. The contrast between the stillness of the preserved trees and the dynamic motion of the stars creates a surreal scene that captures the unique beauty of this ancient desert landscape.
Esta fotografía en blanco y negro captura la esencia de la introspección a través de la postura meditativa del sujeto. Las marcas blancas de pintura sobre su piel resaltan contra el fondo oscuro, creando un diseño abstracto que invita a la reflexión. La identidad del sujeto permanece en el misterio, lo que permite que la expresión artística hable por sí misma. La composición equilibrada y la paleta de colores minimalista acentúan un momento de calma y contemplación profunda.
our saviors
In Tenerife on August 16, the largest fire in Spain was declared.
For days we watched the mountains burn behind our house.
But that particular day the helicopters with their baskets full of water kept passing by, very close to the house, it even gave the impression that they could collide with the chimney. So I decided to take the camera and capture the moment. There were about four helicopters. I noticed that one was bigger than the rest and could carry more water (the Kamov). I decided to concentrate on that one, because the amount of liquid it discharged was impressive, onto a hungry fire that threatened us.
Watching the coming and going of the helicopters, I was able to match two of them and I was lucky that a kestrel appeared in the middle of the stage. Something in my favor was that the backlit scene highlighted the silhouettes of the different protagonists.
I think the situation is special because it gives a lot of importance to the work of the firefighting services.
Photography is important to highlight the beauty, the challenges, the mysteries and looks that remind us again and again of the fragile breath of the planet.
This photo was taken almost at the same time as the sun was setting, producing a mauve color in the lowest part of the sky just as the full moon appeared behind the windmills of Campo de Criptana, in the region of La Mancha, Spain .
A solitary king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) showed up in the coast of Cabo San Pablo (Tierra de Fuego, Argentina), some 300km north of the nearest known colony. Even though the king penguin is not currently considered a threatened species, large-scale commercial fishing and ocean rising temperatures are expected to make their population decline by a 70% in the next few decades.
This overhead photo is a capture of the last eruption that occurred in Iceland in July 2023. The Litli-Hrútur volcano had a collapse of one of its slopes the day before and I was able to capture this incredible phenomenon with difficulty due to the volcanic conditions. natural.
Una perspectiva diferente de un lugar increíble. Desde el principio tenia claro que quería usar las raíces en primer plano para conducir la vista hacía el horizonte.
In the embrace of the night, I embarked on a nocturnal adventure to capture the ethereal beauty of the Milky Way. As I stood beneath the starlit sky, the Punta Nariga lighthouse stood tall, bathed in the gentle glow of the galaxy's arch above.
However, this time, I sought to add a unique touch to the scene. Instead of positioning the lighthouse at the center, I chose to frame a powerful and captivating foreground that mirrored the beauty of the celestial arc. By exploring the rugged cliffs surrounding the lighthouse, I discovered captivating rocks that added strength and depth to the composition.
The result is a harmonious blend of elements: the majesty of the Milky Way, the steadfast lighthouse, and the captivating rocks united to create a symphony of celestial wonders. I couldn't be happier with the outcome of this magical encounter.
May this photograph mark the beginning of many more journeys into the nocturnal realm, where creativity knows no bounds and the night sky unfolds its secrets.
EL CASCO \". Torcal de Antequera. It was back in 2018 the first time I went to this wonder that nature created in the province of Malaga. Since then, every year, between the months of July and August, faithful to the appointment El Torcal de Antequera is always present to immortalize some of its monuments modeled in its limestone rocks.
Motocross rider taking a curve on the edge of the bank, raising particles of dirt and creating contrast with the natural lateral light that enters that curve in the morning.
El tiempo para un niño puede ser percibido de manera diferente a como lo hace un adulto. Para un niño, el tiempo tiende a pasar de manera más fluida y menos estructurada. Pueden sumergirse en el juego y las actividades sin preocuparse demasiado por el reloj o el calendario. La noción de pasado, presente y futuro puede ser más difusa, y a menudo experimentan el momento presente con una intensidad y curiosidad sin restricciones. El tiempo para un niño está lleno de descubrimientos, aprendizaje y aventuras, marcado por la emoción y la exploración de un mundo nuevo y fascinante.
A corridor that crosses several spaces as antechambers that we imagine to be infinite, a metaphor for desire (human constant) and pleasure (weightlessness)
A vast desert stretches out before us, where the reddish tinged shadows are cast on the rocks and sand. In fact, NASA uses the Atacama Desert as a testing ground to prepare for missions in search of life, both past and present, on the planet Mars.
However, what makes this desert even more fascinating in the context of our solar system and the universe as a whole are a number of geographical and climatic factors. Located at an altitude of approximately 3,000 metres above sea level in its most arid region, with no measurable rainfall for years, little water vapour in the air, winds blowing at an average speed of 25 km/h and virtually no light pollution, the Atacama Desert presents itself as the best natural observatory of the sky, home to stars and galaxies. In fact, this place concentrates most of the world's astronomical observing activity.
In a weaponry shop near the market in the Afghan city of Herat, this Taliban soldier with striking blue eyes lingered with his comrades. The uniqueness of his azure gaze and intense expression sets him apart as a distinctive character.
The image features a naked boy in the middle of a vast green field, under a dramatic sky filled with clouds and contrasts. His feet are firmly planted on the ground, connecting deeply with the nature surrounding him. His arms stretch towards the sky and, astonishingly, transform into tree branches. The scene evokes a sense of unity and harmony between the young man and the natural environment, highlighting the interconnectedness of all living beings and the earth itself. The mystical and almost supernatural atmosphere of the image invites contemplation and awe for the beauty and power of nature.
Panorámica realizada al atardecer en el mirador de Loiba, en el municipio de Ortigueira y provincia de La Coruña (Galicia-España) con cámara Fujifilm XA2 y objetivo Samyang 12 mm.
- Рейтинг фотографов по странам и городам строится на основе 3-х лучших фотографий автора и их относительной позиции в каждой отдельной номинации. Рейтинг в номинации "Мобильная фотография" учитывается в меньшей степени для формирования рейтинга. В списке по странам и городам показывается одна фотография автора с лучшим рейтингом.
- В списке опубликованы только работы которые прошли 2-й этап голосования.
- The rating of photographers by countries and cities is based on the three best photos of the author and their relative position in each separate nomination. Rating in the nomination "Mobile Photography" is taken into account to a lesser extent for rating formation. The list by country and city shows one photo of the author with the best rating.
- Only those photos have been published in the list that passed the second stage of voting.