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Curling [TOP100]
The photo was taken at the Helikon Opera Theatre.
Tatyana Salutova, Russian Federation, Moscow
Landing [TOP100]
Over-under photograph taken an interesting landing moment of an ATR72 airplane at the same time with a diving moment of a female tourist at Dam Trau beach, a beautiful & very special beach that located juts next to the Con Dao Airport.
Thien Nguyen Ngoc, Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh city
She is Bagheera
My favourite moment is the first obstacle in the course. This is where it all begins, this is where the powerful bond between Human and Dog is captured and expressed at it best. You can see the Dog\'s muscles contracting and releasing energy in synchrony with each nod signalled by Handler. Agility Dog is trust. Agility Dog is respect. Agility Dog is togetherness. This photo was taken during an Agility Dog competition in Italy.
Lion Encounter.
This photo was taken in 2021 in Zimbabwe during a visit to Lion Encounter. Lion Encounter is an active conservation program that is passionate about ensuring a secure future for the African lion, Panthera leo. Lion Encounter operates the African Lion Rehabilitation & release into the Wild Program, which is Africa’s first genuine program to ethically re-introduce the offspring of captive-bred African lions back into the wild. In the first stage young lion cubs are taken out into the bush to build confidence in their natural habitat. As the cubs become familiar with the environment, they start to develop and practice their stalking and hunting skills – skills that are crucial for their release into Stage 2 of the program. By joining our lion walks or volunteering with us, you are actively assisting in the pre-release training for the cubs, as well as providing essential funding for the program’s continued progress to help save Africa’s most iconic species. Lion Encounter is partnered with ALERT, the African Lion and Environmental Research Trust, a conservation and community NGO that is dedicated to the future of Africa’s wildlife and people. Lion Encounter operates on both sides of the majestic Victoria Falls, within the beautiful Masuwe estate in Zimbabwe, and in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia.
Dmitry Nikolaev, Russian Federation, Москва
испанский жеребец скачет по снежным полям, крупный план
Василиса Штапакова, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Полет веймарайнера
Иногда обычная фотопрогулка может стать взлетной полосой.
Olga Brilevskaya, Russian Federation, Москва
Take Off...
This blazingly beautiful flamingo was quietly plunging its head into the water searching for food in the morning golden light. When I approached, it just took off and I was lucky to capture the take-off shot. Al Wathba Wetland Reserve, Abu Dhabi
Jayakumar MN, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
Force of the Sea
Farolim de Felgueiras Porto Portugal
José Augusto Suzano Magalhães, Portugal, S. Pedro da Cova
Рыбак 2
Когда захотелось ещё раз повторить уже известную работу, но сделать её более качественно. Насколько это удалось судить вам. К сожалению рыбака больше нет среди нас и он уже не сможет увидеть эту картину. Это была его последняя съёмка((
Oleg Golishnikov, Russian Federation, Москва
Бесконечный момент
Выдержка 0,6 секунды на данный момент является моим личным рекордом в аэрофотографии с проводкой. Длиннее - даже в абсолютном безветрии объект всегда смазывался
Anton Gavrilov, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Сила и грация
Арабский жеребец на дыбах на рассвете на горе.
Alexia Khruscheva, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Hermits Titanium
Самый титулованный тинкер России, жеребец Титан (Gypsy stallion). Во время изучения нового трюка
Ekaterina Mikhailova, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Решающая схватка!
Лебеди бывают очень воинственные! Особенно, когда сражаются за свою половинку...
Evgeniy Sanin, Russian Federation, Бийск
and the devil was born...
Light painted image, one frame, 28 sec. exposure
Galina Gordeeva, Czech Republic, Prague
Чемпионат России по баскетболу 3х3, г. Челябинск, май 2022
Yuliya Nestrueva, Russian Federation, Челябинск
Авиашоу Новосибирск-2022, пилотажная группа "Барсы" г.Сургут.
Tatyana Pyankova, Russian Federation, Северск
Купание кудрявого пеликана. Московский зоопарк, октябрь 2022
Anna Ilarionova, Russian Federation, Москва
Herd of wild Arabian Oryx in the deserted of the UAE. Taken on a slow shutter speed to show the movement of the herd.
Daniel Newton, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Недалеко от одного из Таллинских пляжей находится ипподром. Во время сильных отливов можно было понаблюдать и сфотографировать тренировочные прогулки и бега лошадей. На фотографии одна из последних тренировок. Осенью 22 года прошли последние бега и ипподром закрыт. Новый построен за городом, а на месте старого будет построен жилой комплекс.
Briefly about the weather
It was snowing heavily and the morning walk at Lana's Labrador was almost an adventure: where the paths usually were that morning there were only dog-sized snowdrifts.
Maria Sherskova, Russian Federation, Калуга
The young horseman
A simple art that a country boy can do /Mongolia/
Dashzeveg Dorjkhuyag, Mongolia, Choibalsan
The Incredible Pacu Jawi
Pacu Jawi is the cultural tradition sport of Minangkabau Tribe in Tanah Datar, West Sumatra.
Fananda Arianaga, Indonesia, Tanah Datar
Mastering a sport gives you the possibility to know your body and take it to your own limits. And this photograph seeks to capture the rupture of one of the limits that an athlete can experience, and that’s gravity. We see how Dawinson’s agility in making a twist combined with the dust particles he ejects from his limbs, gives a sense of movement that surreally, simulating a gravity 0 that transports us from the Tatacoa Desert, to another planet where there’s no gravity.
gilan,iran Futchel is a combination of the words fut and chal. Chel in the local dialect of the villages of Astana Ashrafieh means mud, and futchel means \"football in mud\". The futsal tournament is an attractive local game that is held at the beginning of the new crop season and in order to return the village youth to the fields and prepare for the new agricultural season before the start of the planting season in Kinchah village of Astana Ashrafieh city.
Ski season closing festival The main event is to ski over the water hole.
Sergey Puponin, Russian Federation, Moscow