A deal with God [TOP100]
The heart of Hell is not fire, but ice.
Cold as hatred, dehumanization and relational death. The body is enveloped by the cold waters of the Cocytus and at that moment all desire is extinguished and man can only contemplate his failure.
Cryogenized in this immense river, which separates the world of the living from that of the dead, the human being becomes stone, soulless, insignificant, mute and inert. He lets himself be transported aimlessly by the great Luciferian sacrificial machine and the 'mperador of the painful kingdom, mocking, makes fun of the imperfect creation of the Father, who observes the macabre infernal dance choreographed by his last Son from above.
He is aware of how great the suffering of mortals is, as it is he himself who inflicts it in the same way as the Fallen Angel.
The truth is that the Almighty feels envy for the pleasure that the Morning Star feels in giving pain.
With lies he helps man to ascend to Him. His intent is not to save him, but his only reason for being is to be able to continue the eternal struggle with his beloved Genius of Evil.
With the photographic work "A Deal with God" the author wanted to depict that fine line that divides good and evil, underlining the fact that man is not able to act with free will, as he is only a puppet in the hands of a twisted Universe.
To bring the right images to life, it was decided to use the salt factory located inside the salt pans of Margherita di Savoia, in Puglia (Italy) as a location.
The choice of outfits was important. Thanks to the collaboration with the artist Saverio Maggio, who lent his creations to the project, it was possible to make the poetry inherent in the photographic story impactful.
The clothes, with their ethereal style and light image, are actual works of art. Recycled materials were used for their construction. With his hands and his creativity, the stylist carries out real transformations, giving new life and a new dimension to what for all to see are considered simple waste.
From a simple blister pack of medicines or milk containers, together with scraps of fabric of different levels of value, it is possible to compose harmonious garments like a symphony, which enhance the wearer, giving the whole a surreal image.
The study of materials and their processing produce artifacts that can be defined as handicraft diamonds.
The craftsman is the one who with his work can provide us with the necessary tools to save us from alienation, neurosis and anxiety typical of contemporary living, giving the world magic and enchantment.
Giandomenico Veneziani, Italy, Bisceglie