The price of silence [TOP100]
I was inpired by the contemporary social environment. This picture is a part a bigger series. It is the results of my reflections on pride, neglecting fears, denying challenges, fighting complexes and feeling ashamed for what you do. It is about the skeletons we all have in our closets. We all hide something that gnaws at us. Even though we have loved ones nearby, who are ready to accept us the way we are, we still nourish this reticence and emotional stinginess. Reticence grows through us and becomes a part of a personality. The rolemodel we build implies that one should deny the problems. This becomes the new norm and this is what we teach our kids. By living in fear, you drown into darkness and inexistence.
Posrednikov Kirill, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
acquq e vento [TOP100]
l immagine tratta dal mio progetto "Delirium"
luciano corti, Italy, lastra a signa
create your own world
when You dont like the world You see, create Your own.
Mariola Glajcar, Poland, Dziegielow
Отпускает или ждет...?
Сложно отпускать. Сложно быть наполненным, целостным, не ищущим вдалеке своего "дополнения". Сложно, если смотреть по сторонам, на вглядываясь в себя, в то, что уже ЕСТЬ у нас в руках. Множество возможностей уплыли, ушли... но мы часто забываем, о том, ЧТО рядом с нами, КТО рядом с нами. Сложно быть благодарным. За все это, все, что есть, что дала нам жизнь. А если вглядеться, то и на краю пропасти стоять не придется.
Irina Mayer, Kazakhstan, Караганда
Looking through the veil of immortality
None of us want to think that we only live once. We want to believe in the immortal soul, believe that there is more than one life given to us. In our imagination we create a world of settlements and dreams. "If there were no rationalization, sublimation repression, all the tricks that we deign ourselves, if we could look at the world without any protection honestly and boldly - it would break our hearts" Olga Tokarczuk "Flights"
Absolute pitch
Canon EF85mm f/1.2L II USM | Kodak T-max 400 Pro | HC-110
Dmitriy Ryabov, Russian Federation, Москва
wanderer's way
Выход из каменных джунглей города для истинного странника, где бельё символизирует бытовые проблемы, а горы - свободу для души человека.
Sergey Lexin, Russian Federation, Краснодар
The false mirrors
Mirror is a true symbole of Reality and knowledg, but one can ask is this events shows the whole reality of what happens? It’s difinitely not, the most honest thing in the world can have a wrong meaning. We’re living in a world full of energy and movement, but how can these mirrors reflect the wast red lands and not the man full of passion? Are these mirrors hiding the truth or the man you can see is actually not real Or it’s just me, showing you the false world? The man is trapped before the wall of false mirrors and it does't let him to see the truth. These mirrors is so lying that they not even show they’re own shadows. People are dealing with so many different things in they’re daily life, my point is to see the real meaning of these things. How would you see into your life?
senza titolo #022
This photo is part of the series: “VIA RUPTA” ROUTE The images trace fragments of a journey disjointed, sometimes schizophrenic, far from the logic of the traveler in the classic sense. The uniqueness of this path is ascribable to a modernity that generates the concept of direction, carrying within itself the seeds of rupture or breakage from the fundamental stylistic elements of travel culture as represented in our Eurocentric cultural tradition. Each element is relentlessly overturned in proceeding along this "rarefied" and "untraceable" route. This is how the danger of the sea, a metaphor of journey, connects the actor and the spectator, forcing the former to struggle to survive, and the latter to adopt a new vision. This speaks of a journey that is indispensable, but yet unwanted and unchosen, with a destination that has more the mythopoetic traits of a primitive religious ritual than of a place that can be reached in the twenty-first century. The word route stems from the Latin "via rupta", that is, a path cut through the woods by clearing the plants; subsequently route came to mean a naval trajectory. Even here, the path is a "rupta way", with the role of the forest passing in the meantime to death, and the traveler draws his route through the act of subtraction. This is a unique journey, modern, whose only direction lies in the journey itself as it unfolds, generating a "rupta way" that cannot be represented on any map. Armstrong is the fictitious name of one of the asylum seekers welcomed in one of the Molisani shelters. In this series of portraits, I tried to isolate the subject from the context, without giving information on his social origin. These are portraits without clues or captions, that leave observer with the task of interpreting, "reading" the story, through what it tells of himself, with his face and his expressions. The meaning is to put the real existence of the subject and him, in a certain place and in a certain moment, in the center. The subject has been offered to the human gaze, in a place, and in a time, and he has really existed. This photographic portrait is the proof. In this case, the function and the power of this series of portraits, are to make present and visible again not only those who lived in the past, but also those who although contemporary to the observer, are often invisible to many. So, this series of photos, gives visibility, allows us to exist, and returns dignity. The subject is not only part of a context or the representative of a socially depreciable situation but is and remains first of all PERSON. His face, his look, the expressions he offers to the lens are fragments of a story that I recorded, interpreted in the shot and in the post-production and offer the use and interpretation of the observers. With these types of portraits, photography also becomes a tool to capture the essence of the subject and its interiority. Taking a picture of a person is like entering into a relationship with him; moreover, it is to recognize him the right to exist. I want to thank Roberto Mezzanotte and Amstrong who made the realization of this project possible. The portrait is not just a given material or an artistic work but a mystery to contemplate whose secret, paraphrasing Emmanuel Levinas, his true nature, is in the question that the subject addresses me and in his being always beyond and above all. The face to face with him, it calls me to a responsibility towards him, pushing me to reply.
SandroDiCamillo, Italy, Colle D\'anchise
Through the Looking Glass of the Soul.
Nobody knows what is in your Soul. Your Soul is a Mystery.
Ekaterina Kosykh, Russian Federation, Воронеж
The the nail's revenge
"The the nail's revenge" ..... is the title of my picture ... that wants to express the concept of hammering nails ... in this case the nails are claimed. Exif data: Nikon D800 Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G ƒ/10 1s ISO 100
Giorgio Toniolo, Italy, Prarostino
Фотопленка ILFORD PAN 100. Проявка по процессу Д76.
Сизов Кирилл, Russian Federation, Москва
Even in dark times, we have hope that helps us overcome difficulties. The old is leaving, giving way to new shoots of life ...
Tanya Vishnevskaya, Russian Federation, Красноярск
Yin - Yang
The problem associated with plastic in the environment and in human food has become a current problem and with alarming proportions that the microplastic that is already in the food chain, the problem is of high importance. on the other hand, we can do an opposite analysis, since plastic has revolutionized the expansion of the industry and of the most varied economies. Hence the title Yin-Yiang.
fall down
When the frame is tilted, gravity gives its effect
Arash Rostamzad Asli, Iran, bandar-e anzali
Road Between Seasons
Road ahead the mountain pass of Vidly in Jeseníky Mountains, Czech Republic.
Tomas Neuwirth, Czech Republic, Jesenik
Окунуться с головой
Концептуальный автопортрет. Буквально "погрузиться с головой в..."
Alexander Egorin, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
No dream is ever just a dream
series [asylum] :::>> [neondemon] manual film medium format bronica sqai kodak t400cn “I do believe in dreams… and I also believe in our days we lack the ability of dreaming. The proposed image narrates a different stance in a world of fairy tales, a world of haunted dreams, and mostly in a world of loud voices. The images from this series are oriented towards a deep understanding of human anxieties, beyond hopes or desires… Somewhere, beyond the envisioned world of dreams, the tormented, ugly or deformed character hides a fantastic world of inner beauty revealed through an extremely sensitive approach. The personal vision on interpreting distinguishable human emotions, defines the thin boundaries of revealing the hidden human soul.”
Екатеринбург, 2019 г, день города.
Римейк на фото Родни Льюис Смит (Rodney Smith)
Vadim Axentyev, Russian Federation, Екатеринбург
Face/Off Без лица
Представьте на минуту насколько бы изменилась наша жизнь, если у нас всех было одно лицо? Возможно нам было неизвестно слово расизм, толерантность? Возможно мы чаще обращали внимание на внутреннюю, а не внешнюю сторону человека? Но касаясь вопроса глубже я понимаю, что люди даже в этом случае придумали бы как разделять друг друга на социальные группы… Imagine for a moment how much our lives would have changed if we all had the same face. Perhaps we didn't know the word racism, tolerance? Perhaps we paid more attention to the inner, rather than the outer, side of a person? But when I go deeper, I understand that even in this case, people would have figured out how to divide each other into social groups.
Pavel Kun, Russian Federation, Сургут
Existence is not denied
In this pic, I wanted to demonstrate the circumstance of our society that is wanted to deny the reality and opinion of the people. They have a view that women are not right for seeing, thinking and participating in the power’s structure and daily work. In addition, it tried to reveal the patriarchy status that is common in my society and by the male sex. This contention sometimes brings about beating which I tried to show the woman spirit that is limited in this culture. Of course, I inspired by the Shirin Neshat genre for making up her body.
The author uses the direction of Suprematism in her works to demonstrate the aesthetic beauty of the female body, freed from sexual connotation.
Julia Kada, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Empty state Silence is golden. You can have money, clothes, things and everything you like. But can you have silence as much as you want?
Maria Silent, Russian Federation, Саратов