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The World Is Going Upside Down [TOP100]
I wanted to capture all 4 elements in one frame the sky, the water, the amazing habitat they live in, and the subject facing me. I knew the only way I could combine these elements in one frame was to be above the orangutan and position downwards to capture the face and the perfect reflection of the sky in the still water below it. The most challenging part of this experience was reaching the location in 3 hour boat ride across waves and staying calm while the orangutan was in front of me.
The Majestic Arabian Oryx [TOP100]
There is nothing more rewarding than capturing precious moments of Arabian Oryx at sunset. Though difficult as the animal is shy and run very fast to disappear from your sight behind sand dunes however, one has to take chances and wait for the right moment. Once endangoured species in this part of world but thanks to UAE government's conservation initiative to provide secure but natural habitat that its thriving now. It took me more than 4 months to understand their movement in order to capture the right frame.
Zubair Irshad, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Life on the pond [TOP100]
Waterfowl live an active life on the pond all day, from dawn to dusk, and some species even at night. All birds try to catch prey and also to strengthen their position in the hierarchy. There are still interesting interactions between birds within one species and also between species. I wanted to capture these activities with a long exposure time to make the splashing water stand out.
Juraj Benčík, Czech Republic, Haj u Duchcova
The Great Migration [TOP100]
The Great Migration Frenzy, is a normal sight during the migration of wildebeest. The sights and sounds were incredible. The image was made in Tanzania.
Ali Khataw, United States, Austin
Learn to walk [TOP100]
The mother polar bear is teaching her baby bears how to walk.
Xiaoying Shi, United States, Brooklyn
Golondrina que deja huella [TOP100]
Swallow in flight photographed with flashes and continuous light
Esteban Argerich, Argentina, Buenos Aires
Images of both King Penguins and Gentoo Penguins in the Falkland Islands
Andy Pollard, United Kingdom, Stanley
Serie golondrinas con estela
Hirundo rustica swallows, High speed with continuos light
Esteban Argerich, Argentina, Buenos Aires
Covid Suspect
Bats have been recognized as the natural reservoirs of a large variety of viruses. Special attention has been paid to bat coronaviruses as the two emerging coronaviruses which have caused unexpected human disease outbreaks in the 21st century, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), are suggested to be originated from bats.
Portrait of sharks in their environment a way to say every year 100 millions of sharks are killed from over fishing
MELESAN, France, Juan-les-Pins
Сокровища Африки (Treasures Of Africa).
"Черный континент" богат на сокровища - здесь добываются и нефть, и золото, и драгоценные камни... Но настоящее сокровище - это хрупкий животный мир и уникальные экосистемы, которые в скором времени мы все можем утратить из-за дальнейшего развития сельского хозяйства, вырубки лесов, браконьерства и военных конфликтов. The "black continent" is rich in treasures - oil, gold, and precious stones are extracted here... But the real treasure is the fragile animal world and unique ecosystems that we may soon lose due to further development of agriculture, deforestation, poaching and military conflicts.
Dmitry Nikolaev, Russian Federation, Москва
Elephants in Monochrome......
One of the most fascinating animals in nature are none other than our gentle giants the Elephants... i can spend hours watching them , here is a series of elephants in various moods ....they make a great series in monochrome and this is my humble attempt to present my series of these beauties each of these pics has a beautiful story to tell.I have taken these series from a 20 mm lens handheld to 600 mm.
Floral bathtub
In India, the Autumn days are hot and humid but the nights are pleasant. In the morning, dew drops are found on the edge of grass, flower petals and sometimes water is stored in the flower petals. A Crimson Sunbird female refreshing herself with the water which is stored in the petal of an ornamental banana flower as if nature creates a floral bath tub for her.
মৌসম রায়, India, Jalpaiguri
At the post!
Chipmunk is keenly watching so that no one picks his mushroom!
Evgeniya Levina, Russian Federation, г. Нерюнгри (Якутия)
Three bears
Mother bear and two cubs playing in Canada Arctic
Tatyana Gorodetsky, United States, New York
Clash of Dragons !
One of the most underrated species in the world of Reptiles discovered in India. Fan-throated Lizards often release their fan which is enclosed in their chest to call for a mate or for a territorial fight. This series is one of the longest territorial fights we ever witnessed and they nearly tore each other apart with their deadly jaws and claws. Their appearence often reminds of the age of Dragons. Even organisations like BBC Earth have recently made a full time documentation of this reptile with this unique phenomenon of territorial fight.
Hiitesh Oberai, India, Ahmednagar
Дама с собачкой
Воробьиный сыч с добычей (полевая мышь) Москва, декабрь 2020.
Valery Subachev, Russian Federation, Москва
Fire in the Game !
One of the best series ever captured in Ahmednagar. We were lucky enough as the sun was so far the biggest we ever witnessed and these two male blackbucks were having a great time enjoying this wonder !
Onkar Ravindra Bedre, India, Ahmednagar
Rhino brothers grappling in the evening light
This is a fun series of close-up action shots depicting the bond and fierce competition between these 3 young male white rhinos.
Raquel de Castro Maia, South Africa, Mossel Bay
Cuckoo and Sedge Warbler
Taken from a hide near York ,had to get up really early to be in the hide for 5.30 am . the cuckoos turned up about 6am, not long after the sedge warbler started to harass the cuckoo.
Keith Bannister, United Kingdom, Burnley, lancs
During one of the an evening I suddenly came across a Chameleon hunting! After the successful hunt, the chamelion had to an opportunity to hunt three or four other caterpillars. His behavior reflected his desired to go for more. As his tongue was out to eat the other caterpillar, I could capture this precious photograph.
Collection of Moose photographs from Grand Teton National Park.
David Morring, United States, Richardson
Mothers don't sleep.. they just worry with their eyes closed.
I framed this moment when a pack of monkeys hanging on trees at Wilpattu national park.
Chandrasekaran Soban Raj, Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya
Moments of Territorial Fight between two Darters
Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) is also known as ‘Snake Bird’ for its slender neck which helps to hunt fishes into the water. The upper part of this water bird is black while the under part is brownish. The long straight bill, white neck and webbed feet are other features of this bird. This species is frequently seen beside the fresh water-bodies in search of food. Darters are considered as silent bird but become somewhat vocal in defending their nests and chicks. Like all the creatures, the Darters are also very much aware of their own rights. None of them is ready to leave their own territorial rights, even in the water. So, they are trying their best to set up their own right to get the advantageous position for hunting in water which is greatly related to their existence. These images prove that how much aggressive they can be to defend their own regions. In water, they flap their wings so hard that it overpowers the opponent in some way or other. Get a short introduction about Darter:
Odd One Out
Odd One Out - An adult King Penguin, amongst a creche of chicks
Andy Pollard, United Kingdom, Stanley
Lake Kerkini, Greece. Pelicans are the birds with the largest beak in the world. and under it they have a bag in which they collect their fish catch. They like to eat fish, which makes them serious competitors of fishermen. However, the Dalmatian pelicans from the Greek Lake Kerkini coexist in a unique symbiosis with local fishermens.
Бурундук пытается добраться до шишек (кедровый стланик), но...увы...сорвалось!
Evgeniya Levina, Russian Federation, г. Нерюнгри (Якутия)
Moose Crossing
A moose and magpie stopping to get a drink in the most famous irrigation ditch in the word. Grand Teton National Park.
Packy Savvenas, United States, Sartell
Blue-throated bee-eater
The blue-throated bee-eater is recognisable by its bright blue throat, chestnut head and back, and black eye stripe. Its upperparts and wing feathers are predominantly green, while its lower back, rump and tail are a brilliant blue. Adults have distinctive long tail feathers. Juveniles lack the long tail feathers and have a bluish green head. Adults measure about 28cm in length, including their tails
A heard of Buffalo approached the water hole in the early hours of the morning. Being so close to these giants was quite intimidating but amazing at the same time
TRACEY LUND, United Kingdom, Hull
Polar Bears summer life
Polar Bears have a very hard life during the Arctic summer. Warm weather, no or very limited snow and ice and hunting issues. The main summer preys are wild reindeers but their meat is poor of fat while polar bears prefer seals that can be easily hunted in winter on the icy coasts. Therefore in summer the bears tend to rest as possible and to move mainly for hunting food. Their behavior and the desolated summer arctic landscape provide me a feeling of sad and helpless loneliness. The ongoing climate change is making their summer life always more tough
I caught!
The heron has just caught a fish and is shaking water from it. Grey heron (Ardea cinerea).
Juraj Benčík, Czech Republic, Haj u Duchcova
That One Moment
In Panna National Park we were out for morning safari, fog was spread all over the forest. I saw an elephant near forest camp the elephant was moving his trunk up and down. Sun was about to rise. By seeing the situation I wanted to capture that moment in which elephant is holding sun in his trunk.
Once bitten twice shy
After mating the female was just giving the male and firm talking to.
Sharlene Donnet Cathro, South Africa, Durban
In September, it’s almost rainy season in Bangladesh. But the temperature is very hot. This time the Indian flying fox drive in the lake and drink water. When he splashes in the water his body gets wet and he drinks lick his body water. He drives many times in a few minutes.
হিমেল নবী, Bangladesh, Rajshahi
Fighter Jet
Lesser flamingos in flight, Seems like an Indian fighter jet. Honestly i have tried to capture such formation every time i go to Nerul birding point but after waiting for lot of days and lot of trials finally i have managed to get this particular picture. This formation was captured at Nerul in Navi Mumbai.
gyana mohanty, India, navimumbai
land with frog
A purple heron landing with frog dangling from its mouth at Manglajodi wetlands in a cold and misty day
Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharyya, India, Hooghly, West Bengal
Пухляк и дождевик
Пухляк заинтересовался дождевиком, а тот оказался с сюрпризом
Andrey Kiselev, Russian Federation, Озёры
White tailed eagles on the fight.
I was in Hungary in January 2019 in a special blind to photograph these birds in action.
Szekely Janos, Romania, Tirgu Mures
Lounging Leopard
A gorgeous leopard lounges in an elegant draped fashion on this old gnarled tree in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
Cindy Jones, United States, Jackson Hole
The Lone wanderer
Arabian Oryx in wilderness with an X Factor.
Zubair Irshad, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
На зимнем лугу
Урагус относится к певчим птицам рода чечевиц семейства вьюрковые. За внешнюю схожесть со снегирями и чечевицами эту красивую маленькую птичку с длинным хвостом часто называют длиннохвостой чечевицей или длиннохвостым снегирем. Привлекает внимание, прежде всего, необычно яркое оперение самца урагуса. Особенно приметно урагус зимой: розово-красный цвет головы, груди и шеи, контрастные белые с черным крылья и хвост, нежные серебристые вкрапления на голове и грудке.
vladilenoff, Russian Federation, Тюмень
Fish Wars
Kamchatka brown bears although solitary, congregate where there are plentiful sources of food and the Kuril Lake in Kamchatka is one such area. The bears bulk up to the abundant nutrition in the salmon and are particularly aggressive at times fighting over rights to prime fishing spots as well as over food. Most of the day is spent on the banks of the Kuril Lake where you set up and wait for opportunities to photograph. Given the density of bears at a given place, focussing on one individual in the melee is a challenge and one has to be guided by patience, keen observation and anticipation. I was patiently waiting for the opportune moment to be able to isolate this particular bear that despite a few futile attempts, was not ready to give up. He had been eyeing his catch intently, hoping to stake claim, when another bear swooped in and stole it from him. What ensued was a wild swipe and a clear display of annoyance. It was all over in a flash. Fortunately there was no obstruction at this opportune time and it allowed me to freeze the moment. He was so close, yet so far, and I could only empathise. Specie: Kamchatka Brown Bear (Ursus arctos beringianus) Location: South Kamchatka Sanctuary, Russia
Волчья верность.
Влюбленный волк - уже не хищник...
Evgeniya Shihaleeva, Russian Federation, Красноярск