An Island
Seven hundred kilometers from the coast of the Colombian continent lies an island. This small and friendly island, full of rhythms and colors, has been influenced by Spanish and English for many years until becoming a property of Colombia. Its inhabitants, who still carry English surnames due to European colonization, always mention it with great pride. The languages spoken by all are: Creole, Spanish and English. The island's residents live long and peaceful lives within their secular homes, many in incredible conservation status. They are religious (Protestants and Catholics) and attend mass every week always in their best clothes. When they are not in church or at work, they like to watch the island's movement through the porch of their homes, while their children run free and revel in the exuberant beaches that we only have access to in the best of our vacations. The positive mood of the inhabitants of this small territory surrounded by crystalline waters, quickly captivated me. I decided to photograph all that I was seeing and feeling, but I did not just want a series of 'street photography' as I usually do when I travel, I wanted something more intimate, I wanted to get into their homes. It was when I politely or inconveniently asked to enter, to photograph them and to hear their stories. They would look at me with a smile on their faces and say, "Come in!" They told me about their families, about the origin of their houses, and about the pirates who once lived on the island. I spent only 4 days on the island and they were amazing days. I experienced a little of the reality of each one of them, the customs, the gastronomy and the feeling of tranquility that only an island can provide. Welcome to San Andres Island!
Brazilian ''Fervedouro'' - Jalapão / Brazil
Jalapao State Park is close to Mateiros, about 300 km from Palmas, capital of Tocantins. Well-sought out for adventure tourism and ecotourism, the park holds unforgettable experiences. The natural landscapes of Cerrado, the Brazilian savannah, features rivers, rock formations and numerous species of fauna, such as jaguars, maned wolves and macaws. For the adventurers, the park is ideal for canoeing, diving and rappelling.
aline fortuna, Brazil, Caxias do Sul
Football on TV
Boys playing football in an improvised field in a favela in Rio de Janeiro, seen by an old TV front.
Sandro Vox, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Flies are insects that terrify many people, they are disgusting, dirty and can transmit various diseases, seen closely through macrophotography to see the details of this common animal.
Rui Oliveira Santos, Brazil, Abaetetuba
Fotografia registrada na Praia do Forte em Cabo Frio - Rio de Janeiro no mês de Setembro. Ao notar que havia um grupo de artistas de circo (acrobatas) treinando durante o período da tarde na Praia, aproveitei uma cena, da qual enxerguei uma composição que me levou a esse resultado. Photograph registered at Praia do Forte in Cabo Frio - Rio de Janeiro in September. Noting that there was a group of circus performers (acrobats) training during the afternoon in Praia, I took advantage of a scene, from which I saw a composition that led me to this result.
Gabriel Santana, Brazil, Carapicuiba
Brazillian Ruby
This photo was taken at the Tucanos Trail in Tapirai / SP (Brazil). The "TT" is my favorite place to photograph birds. That day, I was with two friends, and the weather was rainy. This hummingbird had its favorite perch, and it was in it that I got this photo, the idea of the photo was to show all the beauty of the colors of the hummingbird's iriscidence, together with the drops of water that fall with the rain. For that, I got as close as possible and took several photos, until I got the one that shows the details I wanted.
Momento `Perfeito
Foto captada na Trilha dos Tucanos , Tapiraí SP , Brasil Beija-Flor
Claudio Frateschi, Brazil, Ribeirao Preto
Macro de uma mosca caçadora com presa na probóscide.
Mauro Regalado Soares, Brazil, Mogi das Cruzes - SP
The little girl and little ducks
A look at the simplicity of childhood and its love for nature.
Lucas Rodrigues Dutra, Brazil, Jaragua do Sul
Hungry children in Brazil
Hunger comes from the lack of food that affects a large number of people in Brazil and around the world. Despite major economic, social, and technological advances, the lack of food for thousands of people in Brazil continues. This process is a result of income inequality, the lack of money causes about 32 million people to starve, plus 65 million people who do not eat the minimum amount of calories daily, that is, eat poorly. Extremely high number, given the territorial extension of the country that has great agricultural potential. But this is irrelevant since there is a concentration of land and income. Much of the country's money is in the hands of only 10% of the Brazilian population. It is hard to understand a country where records of agricultural production are changing steadily over the years, while hunger is part of an alarming number of people. The monoculture aims to export, because a large part of the production is destined to animal nutrition in developed countries. Even with federal and state social programs the problem of hunger is not solved, the worst is that it is present in small, medium and large cities and also in the countryside, regardless of the region or state of Brazil. The solution to the question seems distant, involves a series of structural factors that are impregnated in Brazilian society. Providing basic food baskets does not solve the problem, it only postpones it, it must provide conditions for citizens to be able to support themselves through decent work and remuneration.
Na noite escura da ilha deserta, a luz que clareia o rosto impávida revela uma face sinistra, mas um olhar repleto de amor.
Denise Inácio, Brazil, Massaranduba
Friendship bonds
Homeless man and his faithful friend. Urban scene of the city of Sao Paulo- Brazil
Igor Pereira, Brazil, SAO BERNARDO DO CAMPO
reflection of tomorrow
Young man runs in front of the Museum of Tomorrow after a rainy afternoon in Rio de Janeiro's Port Zone
Alex Ribeiro, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
David and Goliath
Only photo at a single moment, was with photographic equipment prepared to photograph the species Gavião-caboclo (Scientific name: Buteogallus meridionalis) and appears this Hummingbird-scissor (Scientific name: Eupetomena macroura), feeling threatened in its nest territory , was not afraid to face the giant hawk-caboclo), glided for a few seconds in front of the giant and then left. a photo impossible to reproduce again in nature, due to the difficulty of placing in the same space and time, one of the largest birds of prey in Brazil, the Gavião-caboclo (Scientific name: Buteogallus meridionalis) and the smallest bird Hummingbird- : Eupetomena macroura) confronting each other.
Ciro xavier da costs, Brazil
Flying boys
Boys swimmers from the Porto da Barra Beach in Salvador - Bahia, give show jumping from the pier located in Fort Santa Maria in the waters of the sea. These are real flights. PT: Garotos banhistas da Praia do Porto da Barra em Salvador, dão show saltando do pier localizado no Forte Santa Maria nas águas do mar. São verdadeiros voos.
Cassava plantation
José Júlio leased a small property in the city of Maringá (Southern Brazil) and started to grow corn and cassava. In this picture, with the help of his mule, he cleans the cassava plantation that will soon be harvested. According to him, this piece of land yields two annual cassava crops, with each harvest yielding 10,000 kilos.
A helping hand
This photo was taken during the construction of the stands for games of beach volleyball for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
Leny Fontenelle da Silveira, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Mulher das aguas.
Os detalhes em preto e branco de uma mulher nas aguas.
Rodrigo Silveira Silveira, Brazil, Florianopolis
Repouso/ deserved rest
Esta foto for feita no Mercado São Joaquim de Salvador- Bahia - Brasil This photo is made at the São Joaquim Market of Salvador- Bahia - Brazil
Sérgio Giron, Brazil, Florianopolis
Sono oculto
Morador de rua dorme ao meio das pessoas na fila do banco se tornando invisível. Campo Grande - MS Brasil
MARCOS MALUF DE SOUZA, Brazil, Campo Grande
Pescador de camarão, pesca tradicional de arrasto. Caraguatatuba BR SP
Luiz Gustavo Campino Grunewald, Brazil, Caraguatatuba
Voo amazônico. Alto do Rio Solimões, Brasil - Amazonas.
Diogo Thompson Façanha Ribeiro, Brazil, terra nova 3 , Rua.
Who are you, guy?
This photo was taken in southern Brazil (São Miguel das Missões). This is a beautiful Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia), who was taking care of two little chicks.
Ruy Beck, Brazil, Porto Alegre
Surfer in sunrise.
Campeche beach, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Rafael Censi, Brazil, Florianopolis
Era uma vez.... ( once upon a time)
Ao amanhecer em Ibitipoca-MG-Brasil, as luzes são refletidas na neblina, como seria uma imagem de histórias infantis. ( At dawn in Ibitipoca-MG-Brasil, the lights are reflected in the fog, as would be an image of children's stories.)
Luiz Renato, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Joaquim, apenas um brasileiro
Seu Joaquim saiu do Nordeste com destino ao Rio de Janeiro na década de 60. Trabalhou em várias áreas e conseguiu, com muito sacrifício, criar os filhos e sustentar a família. Hoje, aposentado, ainda trabalha em uma pequena barraca localizada em Duque de Caxias - RJ, onde complementa a sua aposentadoria.
Kleber Moura Prado, Brazil, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
Mistic fog road
This is a road to top of mountain in my hometown, 1,300 m above sea level.
Daniel Elidio da Silva, Brazil, Pocos de Caldas
Beetle on fire
Rhino beetle in front of the fire
Rio de Janeiro across the bay
A spot for paragliders to jump that also gives people one of the best sunset views in the world.
Eduardo Süssekind Viveiros de Ca, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Mr Vade Manoel Survivor of an electric discharge
On June 21, 2016, was painting the front of a townhouse in the center of Tatuí, with cloudy weather and the property is near the high voltage network. I decided to climb on the roof, to paint from top to bottom, the stretcher that I used to work, passed near the high voltage network, that was when I suffered the 13,800 volts electric discharge, it went in the arms and left the abdomen, I went rescued and brought to the emergency room with first, second and third degree burns. The next day I was transferred to the São Mateus General Hospital, in the burned ward, where I was hospitalized for fifty-eight days, having to undergo fourteen surgeries, including three amputations, the first in the right arm, the second in the arm. left and the third again on the right side above the elbow. At the time I was forty years old.
Joaquim, apenas um brasileiro
Joaquim em seu mundo reservado, vive através de sua janela em um butequim onde atende seus clientes diariamente e vê o mundo passar a sua frente.
Kleber Moura, Brazil, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
The Old Nest
The Old Nest is part of the essay TESSITURAS DO SERTÃO, inspired by simple figures portrayed in a "rebuilt beauty", investigating the ambience and body textures of the caatinga, its living beings or not. Using photography, make-up and intertextuality, a dialogue between visual and hybrid texts is constructed as a mosaic in the midst of a chromatic and visual adaptation, seeking the genuine, as popular, beliefs, wanderings and manifestations, re-reading the traditional from the application of natural and unconventional elements that become protagonists in the images, as in this case the straw in "The Old Nest" as an essential element for the composition, adding concept to invade human faces and bodies. In Tessituras we have a conversation between life, death and rebirth, between static and movement, between being and being, breaking and standing, between disbelief and believing. That touches the heart, that brings some feeling, that carries for a moment, for a situation, for a sensation. The possibility of transmitting emotions, desires, loves, pains, thoughts. An image is what you see and what is around you ... ... she is what is inside and what's outside ... is what awakens in the other in some sense. This essay deals, in reverse, with faith, love and hope.
Cleber de Oliveira, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Poolbeg Lighthouse - Dublin, Ireland
Poolbeg Lighthouse in Dublin Bay was built in 1768 and initially operated on candlepower[citation needed] (reputedly the first in the world to do so) but changed to oil in 1786. It was re-designed and re-built into its present form in 1820. Photo with Drone Dji - Mavic Pro
Paulo Pigozzi, Brazil, Florianopolis
First time seeing snow
I am from a place of tropical origin and had never seen snow. My sister captured the moment with my camera. Monte Baldo, Italy - 2019 @enzolossophotos
Enzo Castellano Losso, Brazil, Florianopolis
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