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Devil flower mantis [TOP100]
idolomantis diabolica Idolomantis is a genus of praying mantises in the family Empusidae. It is represented by a single species, Idolomantis diabolica, commonly known as the devil\'s flower mantis or giant devil\'s flower mantis. It is one of the largest species of praying mantises, and is possibly the largest that mimics flowers
pangway, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Начало / Beginning [TOP100]
Начало, таинство рождения - величайшая загадка природы, независимо от того, идет ли речь о бездонной Вселенной или о крохотном головастике в придорожной луже. The beginning, the mystery of birth is the greatest mystery of nature, regardless of whether we are talking about a bottomless Universe or a tiny tadpole in a roadside puddle.
Valeriya Zvereva, Russian Federation, Москва
After from the salon
A caterpillar, which propagates at the end of a rattan leaf.
Syafiq Huwaida, Indonesia, Banjarmasin
Conopidae fly - art with drops
macro portrait of сonopidae-fly with drops Canon 5D + Laowa 25 mm Canon 600EX flash + MK-diffuser. Focussteking.
Ivan Radkov, Russian Federation, Владивосток
Игры с каплями воды
капли воды ~~ 4 капли воды смешанные с акрильной краской... одна капля с низу пущена давлением воздуха и 3 капли с верху.все синхронизировано с камерой и 3 вспышками
Ilan Grabois, Israel
Get out of there !!
A pair of mantis on the leaves of a plant that I don't know its name, closing diaphragm in a shady area to get a black background and illuminated with two flashes with diffusers. The photo is rotated 90º.
Ruben Perez Novo, Spain, Naron - Coruna
'Way to the Light'
Stag beetles. This type of insect is one of the largest beetles inhabiting European countries. Unfortunately, it is listed in the Red Book due to the rapid decline in natural habitats. Therefore, every meeting with these insects is a real miracle. Once walking through a forest, I saw a little field with stag beetles. I really wanted to show, that the world of insects is not only amazing and beautiful. There are lot of incredible miracles around us every day.
Alcidodes ocellatus
It is a beautiful tropical weevil that measures between one and a half and two centimeters in body length. It has a bright black background color with a bluish-greenish metallic reflection, which may be more or less intense depending on the specimen. Against this background stand out large, very contrasting and striking white rings: four of them in the pronotum (two in the anterior part and two in two separate angles) and eight in each elytra, arranged in three longitudinal rows. These white rings are made of tomentum, and a small spot of heart-shaped white tomentum is added to the rings, located in the center of the posterior edge of the pronotum, where it extends slightly backwards. The head has a long and sub-cylindrical face, gently curved downwards and with the antennae inserted towards the middle of it. The skullcap is tiny, oval, longer than it is wide and without tomentum. The legs are all of similar length in the female, but the male's front legs are longer than the middle and hind legs. The femurs have a peculiar shape, with a kind of preapical swelling in each one. The anterior tibiae have a large triangular tooth in the middle of their ventral aspect. The ventral part of the insect has a design similar to the dorsal part: white rings appear here, both in the thoracic and abdominal segments, on a black background with a greenish-blue metallic luster. It is endemic to the Philippine islands. Its biology is completely unknown, it seems, however, to be a monophage or an oligophagus, feeding only on the foliage of a certain unidentified plant, the leaves of which can be seen in the only network photograph of a specimen of this species in its natural habitat:
Javier Ruperez, Spain, Velez Malaga
Чей стопа?
Амфикрибральный проводящий пучок корневища папоротника Pteridium pinetorum ssp. sibiricum. Крупные клетки с красно-фиолетовой клеточной оболочкой - это клетки ксилемы (проводит воду с растворёнными в ней минеральными веществами). Вокруг ксилемы расположены клетки паренхимы ксилемы и клетки флоэмы (проводит продукты фотосинтеза). Однорядный слой мелких клеток, расположенных вокруг проводящих тканей - это эндодерма. Сфотографировано при общем увеличении микроскопа 250х. Авторский постоянный препарат, полихромная окраска тканей по авторской методике Михальцова А.И. (2011 г.).
Anatoly Mikhaltsov, Russian Federation, Омск
Как из сказки. Like something out of a fairy tale.
The photo was taken in the Valdai district of the Novgorod region in a natural raspberry patch. Shot in one shot, a manual lens of 52 mm was used to create a bokeh background-a garland, a photoflight to simulate the beam of the setting sun.
Anastasiya Tretyakova, Russian Federation, Великий Новгород
The story of this painting is so amazing that I can't help but tell you about it. Every summer I go to the pond to take pictures of frogs. Frogs are difficult to photograph, they jump quickly, and chasing them is a bad option. This time I put down a piece of paper and a shell and waited for the frog to jump on it to make a nice shot. The frog jumped, and I started taking pictures, and at that moment a ladybug ran by, and I managed to capture a wonderful moment. Since the frame is made in motion, it was not possible to capture it clearly enough, but, in my opinion, it turned out quite fabulous!
Lapshina Vladlena, Russian Federation, Пенза
The Flower Chafer is a beautiful
The Flower Chafer is a beautiful, shiny, emerald green, and quite large beetle. Flower chafers are small, stocky beetles that come in shimmering bright colors. They look like round little dumplings. The most popular are the emerald green flower chafer, the pachnoda marginata and the Derby's flower beetle. They’re perfect for beginners and lovely to watch. These animals don’t live for very long but, as long as you look after them properly, you can enjoy the next generation. Flower chafers grow to around 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) and live for around 5-7 months.
Jumping Spider
Sony A7iii + Venus Optics 60mm Macro (Jumping Spider inside a newly sprout Banana leaf) Jumping spiders or the Salticidae are a family of spiders. As of 2019, it contained over 600 described genera and over 6000 described species, making it the largest family of spiders at 13% of all species. Jumping spiders have some of the best vision among arthropods and use it in courtship, hunting, and navigation.
Faberge egg
The photo was created in August 2020. The photo shows an ordinary dragonfly, which sits on a plant, a shepherd's purse. The photo was taken during an evening photo session when the sun is going down and the colors take on a special shade. The dragonfly with its transparent wings with dew drops looked like a jewel, and the Shepherd's bag plant looked like a frame. Reviewing the photographs after the shooting, I noticed that this plot of the photograph resembles "Faberge Egg".
Microkosmos-It`s another world, which can be seen under our feet. We can discover a world of small monsters. Each fly, bee and spider is a perfect predator or a warring victim in this empire. It`s always a big surprise for me to find out how many species, forms and colors exist in this kingdom. I see the things around me a bit differently after each visit in this micro-world. I try to look at them in their own way. It`s very funny
Ondrej Pakan, Slovakia
Полная чаша
After the long work day the ant was so thirsty that he was ready to stand on one leg! Canon EOS 5D Mark III, lens Canon 100 mm macro, ISO 640, 1/40, f/6.3 После тяжелого трудового дня невероятно хочется пить! Так сильно хочется, что муравьишка готов стоять на одной ноге лишь бы дотянуться до вкуснейшего напитка.
Sokolova Tatiana, Russian Federation, Омск
Big and small. This is a unique and unplanned shot. I wanted to photograph a big beetle on a stick. He slept and almost didn’t move, so he was a great model. Suddenly another smaller beetle of the same family flew and landed on the stick. He was extremely active and ran back and forth. Then he began to climb on a large beetle and climbed on his head. I had only a few seconds to take a picture of him, as he soon turned around and flew away.
This photo of Red Ghost Crab was taken at Tajpur sea beach of West Bengal, India. I always love to take a ground level shot of this beauty, but you know getting a ground level shot is not at all easy for this crab. Any vibration in terms of walking or roaming around can cause this crab to enter inside its den. I had to lay down from 4:30 AM to 6:30 AM to get this shot with full wet dress & place the camera just on a hat so that it won't get direct contact of water.
Achintya Adhikari, United States, New York
Jumping spider
Jumping spiders or hopper spiders It is one of the best visual abilities among arthropods, and it is used for courtship, hunting and navigation. Although jumping spiders usually move slowly and unnoticed, most species are able to make graceful jumps, especially at hunting time, and sometimes in response to sudden threats. The lungs and bronchi of these spiders are well developed, and these spiders use both systems together (bilateral breathing). Popper spiders can be recognized at a glance by their eye pattern. All jumping spiders have four pairs of eyes, one of which is large in the center of the front of the spider.
Riyad Ahmad Hamzi, Saudi Arabia, Jazan
Blue Butterfly in Fairytale
Plebejus argus between Gypsophila paniculata in Summer Meadow
Vomacka Andreas, Austria, Ganserndorf
Colours of Nature
This was my best shot of 2020 , I was on a trip in The Netherlands at an amazing nature park called Hoge Veluwe. We were walking when I suddenly saw the cuckcoo wasp on the path, it was still warming up his body to fly away but it looks like it had a little breakfast. I gently used a branch to put it in safety so people wouldn't step on it. And then I took the shot with flash to have the black background so the colours would pop out even more.
heymans Tiffany, Belgium, vlezenbeek
Escorpión, familia de los arácnidos, ha infringido temor la lo largo de la historia de la humanidad.
Richard Gail castro, Mexico, Mexico City
Tug of War
Closeup of two weaver ants pulling apart a smaller one, possibly a fire ant. As brutal as it might seem, this is a natural occurrence in the macro world and in wildlife in general. This shot was one of the most challenging and spontaneous ones I have ever taken.
Reynante Martinez, Philippines, Zambales
Бесконечная дорога жизни.
Муравей нескончаемо и упорно бегает по сухой травинке. Эта травинка имеет много петель и поворотов, как бесконечная дорога жизни.
Анатолий Ефимочкин, Russian Federation, Ульяновск
Snack time
An Ectatomma tuberculatum ant preying on a treehopper of the Nassunia genus. This was observed in Costa Rica in the Dominical area.
Laurent Hesemans, Costa Rica, perez zeledon
Оса блестянка 95-4,8-X
Feuer-Goldwespe (Chrysis ignita)-86; Sony Alpha-6400; Sigm DG EX 2,8/30 MM, Blende 5,0:; Stack-95-Bildern; ISO-100. Belichtungszeit -0,6 Sek. Maßstab- 4,8:1. 3 -LED Lampen. Balgengerät. Fire gold wasp (Chrysis ignita) -86; Sony Alpha-6400; Sigma DG EX 2.8 / 30 MM, aperture 5.0; Stack 95 images; ISO-100. Exposure time -0.6 sec. Scale- 4.8: 1. 3 -LED lamps. Bellows device Оса блестянка.Объетив Sigma DG EX 2,8/30mm,реверсивное кольцо.Сони Альфа 6400. ИСО-100.95 кадров. Макромех
Staring contest
A tiny damselfly perched on a dew-covered rose leaf on a wet morning stares and wonders at the amazing world around it.
Atul Saluja, United States, Boston
I have captured this interesting moments in a buxa tiger reserved forest in india.
শুভঙ্কর সাহা, India, Coochbehar
The Cyclopoida are an order of small crustaceans from the subclass Copepoda. Like many other copepods, members of Cyclopoida are small, planktonic animals living both in the sea and in freshwater habitats. They are capable of rapid movement. Their larval development is metamorphic, and the embryos are carried in paired or single sacs attached to first abdominal somite. Cyclopoids are distinguished from other copepods by having first antennae shorter than the length of the head and thorax, and uniramous second antennae. The main joint lies between the fourth and fifth segments of the body
Стрекоза стрелка красивенькая (Coenagrion pulchellum)
Эту стрекозку стрелку я фотографировал у себя дома. Изображение создано методом фокус-стекинга из 26 кадров в Zerene Stacker. Предполагаю что это самец стрелка изящная, или красивенькая, или хорошенькая, или обыкновенная (Coenagrion pulchellum)
FADEEV ROMAN, Russian Federation, Дальнегорск
Pequeño Mundo Explorador
Apilado de Coleóptero sobre ojos compuestos.
Gabriel Santillana, Mexico, Cuernavaca
Домашний монстр.
Тегена́рии — род пауков из семейства агеленовых воронковых пауков (Agelenidae). В настоящее время в роде насчитывают 144 вида. Наиболее известны домовые пауки (Tegenaria domestica), обитающие в жилищах человека по всему миру.
Denis Belov, Russian Federation, Тольятти