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King of Grasslands and Skies ! [TOP100]
This is a series of silhouttes of the King of the Skies i.e. the Sun and the King of the Grasslands i.e. the Indian Grey Wolf having a inevitable relation between them. The dramatic skies, the howling wolf and the sun covering it enfolds the unseen stories hidden in these images giving some natural history moments to capture.
Onkar Ravindra Bedre, India, Ahmednagar
Marlin Run [TOP100]
Marlin Run is synonymous with action. You spend the whole day looking for activity to jump into the water wildly and run out out of breath chasing one of the fastest fish in the ocean while it tries to hunt. But all this is absolutely worth it when you contemplate the beauty of such a spectacle. This series is about al the wildlife you can found during the Marlin Run in Baja California Sur, Mexico
An Oxpecker takes advantage of its host the mighty African Buffalo. Both taking a drink together
CLINT RALPH, South Africa, Centurion
Lion Encounter
This photos were taken in 2021 during a visit to Zimbabwe. Lion Encounter is an active conservation program that is passionate about ensuring a secure future for the African lion, Panthera leo. Lion Encounter operates the African Lion Rehabilitation & release into the Wild Program, which is Africa’s first genuine program to ethically re-introduce the offspring of captive-bred African lions back into the wild. In the first stage young lion cubs are taken out into the bush to build confidence in their natural habitat. As the cubs become familiar with the environment, they start to develop and practice their stalking and hunting skills – skills that are crucial for their release into Stage 2 of the program. By joining our lion walks or volunteering with us, you are actively assisting in the pre-release training for the cubs, as well as providing essential funding for the program’s continued progress to help save Africa’s most iconic species. Lion Encounter is partnered with ALERT, the African Lion and Environmental Research Trust, a conservation and community NGO that is dedicated to the future of Africa’s wildlife and people. Lion Encounter operates on both sides of the majestic Victoria Falls, within the beautiful Masuwe estate in Zimbabwe, and in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia.
Dmitry Nikolaev, Russian Federation, Москва
Best of Alaska
Wildlife of Alaska - A series with bald eagles and coastal brown bears from Alaska.
Karthik Subramaniam, United States, San Francisco
The great migration
One of the most famous phenomena in Africa. The wildebeest and zebra migration that happens every year in the summer months between the Masai Mara and the Serengeti. A brutal spectacle where these animals try to cross the river without being eaten by crocodiles and hippos. In the image we can see all the way from when they go down raising the dust until they almost leave the river, luckily this time, without crocodiles.
Май в Якутии, просыпается природа...В том числе бурундуки, после зимней спячки, и первые цветы -сон-трава.
Evgeniya Levina, Russian Federation, г. Нерюнгри (Якутия)
Hero's Journey
From a feisty cub to a ferocious feline, his journey is one of initiation and transformation, order and control, trial and adventure, victory and defeat, and of power and pride. Masai Mara, Kenya
Jayakumar MN, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
Lion Encounter.
This photo was taken in 2021 in Zimbabwe during a visit to Lion Encounter. Lion Encounter is an active conservation program that is passionate about ensuring a secure future for the African lion, Panthera leo. Lion Encounter operates the African Lion Rehabilitation & release into the Wild Program, which is Africa’s first genuine program to ethically re-introduce the offspring of captive-bred African lions back into the wild. In the first stage young lion cubs are taken out into the bush to build confidence in their natural habitat. As the cubs become familiar with the environment, they start to develop and practice their stalking and hunting skills – skills that are crucial for their release into Stage 2 of the program. By joining our lion walks or volunteering with us, you are actively assisting in the pre-release training for the cubs, as well as providing essential funding for the program’s continued progress to help save Africa’s most iconic species. Lion Encounter is partnered with ALERT, the African Lion and Environmental Research Trust, a conservation and community NGO that is dedicated to the future of Africa’s wildlife and people. Lion Encounter operates on both sides of the majestic Victoria Falls, within the beautiful Masuwe estate in Zimbabwe, and in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia.
Dmitry Nikolaev, Russian Federation, Москва
Ежик снят в лесу вблизи санатория под Санкт-Петербургом
Anastasiya Tretyakova, Russian Federation, Великий Новгород
Grandes encuentros en el mar
Grandes personajes en la inmensidad del mar. Diversidad de lugares. Vida submarina
Ceci Ver, Argentina, Buenos Aires
golden kingdom
A lonely elephant in the vast sand dunes of Namibia
THEODORE MATTAS, Greece, Thessaloniki
Painful breast feeding
This Particular picture captured my eyes because the mom was feeding the son and it really astound me and that’s why I captured it. in mean while even tho the son was pulling the mom breast while the mom was in pain. but she’s willing to milk the son.
Mohan Raj Nair, Malaysia, Taiping, Perak
Flamingo Dance
Flamingos or flamingoes, are a type of wading bird in the family Phoenicopteridae, which is the only extant family in the order Phoenicopteriformes. There are four flamingo species distributed throughout the Americas (including the Caribbean), and two species native to Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Борьба анаконды и каймана
Первым недружественные действия начал кайман. Он поймал за хвост проплывающую мимо анаконду. В ответ на это анаконда обвилась вокруг каймана и начала его душить. Минут через тридцать кайман, поняв, что ситуация складывается не в его пользу, отпустил хвост анаконды и потихоньку полностью погрузился в воду, оставив сверху лишь свои ноздри. Анаконда же, будучи полностью под водой и не имея возможности дышать, еше минут через десять отпустила каймана из своих объятий и уплыла прочь. Ничья)! Пантанал, Бразилия
Alexander Perov, Russian Federation, Москва
The song of oriental white eye
Oriental white eye taking shower in a hot afternoon in westbengal, India
PRATYUSH HALDER, South Africa, Johannesburg
I watched ground squirrels running in the meadow among the ears and flowers. This one was playing with a flower and I took pictures.
Alena Bednarova, Czech Republic, Haj u Duchcova
The spy who got caught
A crow which got too close in the proximity of the Sarus's toddlers got caught with alarming alacricity for a bird that big in size. The Sarus just turned, swung its neck with such electrifying agility catching hold of the unaware Crow, that it had me stmped too!
Samir Sachdeva, India, Greater Noida
Sunset Silhouettes
The series of photos were captured during my visit to Masai Mara, Kenya. Wildlife photography is challenging, but the time and effort that one puts into it can only be justified by the results they see on the large screen. Wildlife photography is all about being at the right place at the right time.
Rino Suren, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Twin Tiger
A pair of siblings quench their thirst in the scorching heat of Central India where the temperature can be between 45-50 degrees C.
ATUL MOHAN, India, Bangalore Rural
Homeric Laughter
Пеликан на причальном столбе, о.Коче, Венесуэла, 2022г.
Alex Afanasyev, Russian Federation, Рязань
“Standing in the presence of giants - an up - close encounter with the majestic elephant, a humbling reminder of power and grace of the natural world”
As the sun began to rise, little did I know that I was about to have a truly unforgettable experience, as I wandered around the Amboseli National Park with my camera, I came across an enormous elephant, his massive tusks gleaming in the sunlight. It was “CRAIG” also known as the “GENTLE GAINT”. The 50-year-old is one of the famous and most photographed elephant in Amboseli National Park. As I approached Craig, I could feel my heart racing with excitement and anticipation, I had heard stories about his incredible power and grace, but to see one up so close was a truly humbling experience. From just 10 feet away, I began to snap images, capturing every detail of Craig’s powerful frame and impressive tusks. I followed him capturing every moment of his journey with my camera before he disappeared into the thick bushes. Words cannot describe time spent with this gentle giant. Craig was more than just a moment in time, he will always remain my favourite.
Mottled Wood Owl is mobbed by a Shikra
Shikra Mobbing Mottled Wood Owl. Owls are subjected to intense mobbing behavior, as they often prey on sleeping birds. The other birds chase these predators out of their territories so that they will be safer at night. Mobbing usually does not harm the owl as the behavior is tied more to driving away a predator than causing it injury.
Танцы медведей
Бурые медведи дерутся за добычу на Курильском озере
ILYA TRUKHANOV, Russian Federation, Москва
Good Morning Mara
A group majestic Giraffe on a wonderful sunrise at Masai Mara-Kenya
Zubair Irshad, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
The Bull Run
Keeping a low angle and then using a wide angle lens resulted in a look where these elephants look more majestic!
Ali Khataw, United States, Austin
This Mangrove Pit Viper is a well-known female of the Pasir Ris Mangroves. Being largely inactive throughout the day, it took many hours and much patience to wait for the moment where the snake positions its head in a perfect manner for a frontal shot. Blu is famous for its blue coloured body, compared to the browner individuals that are more commonly found, which therefore gives her the name.
Greater Flamingos with winter sunrise
Group of greater flamingos in the sea at sunrise. These flock of birds rest near the shores of the island and once the sun is high enough, they fly to other grazing areas. This shot requires planning to ensure the tide is right, clear skies at sunrise and importantly the flamingos. In Bahrain, these shots can only be taken during couple of days in the winter seasons between December and February.
Niranjan Acharya, United Kingdom, London
Sunrise with Flamingos
Beautiful and synergetic shots of wildlife with nature. At the east end of the island, an open sea welcomes the greater flamingos at dawn, giving an opportunity to every photographer to capture the birds with the sunrise. These are some collections of sunrise shots over couple of days and weeks which takes into consideration many aspects such as tides, winds, sunrise times, number of birds, and other climatic conditions (haze, visibility, etc.)
Niranjan Acharya, United Kingdom, London
The aura
A malabar gliding frog perched on a tree trunk in a monsoon evening at Amboli in the Western Ghats.
Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharyya, India, Hooghly, West Bengal
Пингвины Антарктиды
Фотографии чудесных пингвинов сняты во время моей экспедиции в Антарктиду в январе 2022 года
Oleg Rest, Czech Republic, Prague
Life of the Altantic Puffins in Drangey island
I moved to Iceland and lived there for 6 months. My new house was located in the north of the country, near to the Drangey Island. My goal was to capture an amazing life of Puffins. In my days off I went several times to the island and tried to capture an interesting story. It was quite hard as I didn't have good telezoom lens, I had to to very close to the birds with my 70-200mm lens. I was extremely calm and patient. It was one of the best experience in Iceland.
Atlantic Puffin with Sand eels
Here is a captivating photo of an Atlantic puffin in its natural habitat. Adorned with vibrant plumage, the puffin carries sand eels in its beak. The photo showcases the puffin’s grace and agility in both air and water. Immerse yourself in the serene marine environment and imagine the puffin’s playful antics. Let nature’s beauty transport you to a boundless realm.
Hari Kumar P, United Kingdom, Edinburgh
Песцы на острове Янкича.
Когда-то, на острове Янкича (Курилы) японцы создали ферму по разведению песцов (подвид - командорский песец). Прошло много лет, фермы уже давно нет. На маленьком острове диаметром 4 км смогли выжить только сильнейшие! В этом году мы там увидели много щенков, только на глаза попалось несколько десятков. Очень милые, людей совсем не боятся. Фотографировать их - одно удовольствие )
Andrey Grachev, Russian Federation, Москва
Bears of the Carolinas
Series of my different encounters with Black Bears of North Carolina, USA
Goutham Ganesh Sivanandam, United States, Cary
Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) Кудрявый пеликан
Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) Кудрявый пеликан
Viadimir Safonov, Russian Federation, Москва
Throne for a King !
This particular individual was one of the most beautiful and intelligent young male of the pack of Indian Wolves we were documenting. He showed every sign and was destined to be the alpha among the young ones and to rule the grasslands with his brothers bound by blood.
Onkar Ravindra Bedre, India, Ahmednagar
Тайная жизнь медведей
Уникальный момент кормления двух уже довольно взрослых медвежат, увиденный и заснятый в районе озера Двухюрточное, на Камчатке
Sergey Aleshchenko, Russian Federation, Москва
Between Cup & Lips
Spotting and stalking for a quite long time predator chose to attack the lonely prey at the right timing however that luck was in favor of the prey who survived from the biggest drama in wildlife.
Sibin Nelson, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Fatherly Affection
Tender moments between the father Olepolos and one of his cubs. The Lion King is seen relaxing, enjoying the evening golden light. One of his cubs who has been playing with the siblings came closer to the father, played with him for some time, and finally cuddled him, resting in his protective embrace. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
Jayakumar MN, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
Wall's bronzeback tree snake with Catch
Commonly known as the Wall’s Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis cyanochloris), the species is mainly found in northeast India. They are also seen in the Andaman Islands. Being forest dwellers, they reside in lowland rainforests. Although designated as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List, conversion of forest land for agricultural purposes is a concern for local populations. The photo was taken at Garbhanga Reserved Forest of Assam, India. Exif data- 1/1000, f5.6, iso- 640
Fountain of life
The Trachycephalus genus is known for its extensive defense mechanisms. The vermiculata species releases a whitish and irritating substance to the mucous membranes before its predators, which causes discomfort.
Omar Carax, Mexico, Mexico City
Flap-necked Chameleon
The perfect blending in -A Flap-necked Chameleon perfectly disguised on a curly vine.
Kirkamon Alarin Cabello, Philippines, Cagayan De Oro