The festival of Pir Shalyar
The festival of Pir Shalyar is an old traditional ceremony in Kurdistan. It is held in the 40th day of winter. The celebration is held in three stages, each in a day of three consecutive weeks.
In the first week children inform the people of the coming of the ceremony with distribution of walnuts to every home.
In the second week, at the Wednesday night before sunrise, children go up to the roofs of homes, singing the traditional Kurdish songs. Shortly after sunrise cows and sheep are sacrificed. In the evening they play Daf and pray repeating spiritual hymns.
In the third Friday of the month Rebendan (second month of winter in Kurdish calendar), golden breads made of wheat and walnut in the shape of the sun (disc) are brought to the tomb of Pir to be distributed among participants and eaten.
Zaniar Noori, Iraq, Ḩalabjah