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A large number of migratory birds visits Delhi\'s Yamuna Ghat every year in winters. People living at the Ghat over there used to feed them and also provide boating to the people visiting at this place. A man was seen feeding the birds by throwing the food and a flock of birds are seen going towards it.
He came to the city 30 years back from a very small village of Uttarpradesh and made his initial living doing odd jobs for a few months then settled on this job. After 5 years he was able to rent the same place where we were sitting. After that, he never looked back and started working passionately to grow his business. He told me that the only thing he has done since the beginning was to work hard with a smiling face and other things in life will work out itself. He still repairs 30 to 40 heavy vehicle tyres every day with the same integrity. He mentioned that sometimes we feel that this circle of life is taking us nowhere but it\'s also the same circle of life that keeps us going.
beat the summer heat [TOP100]
Camels represent an important part of Emirati Culture and the Arabs believe them to be the gift of God. The Emiratis consider it a privilege to own camels. The UAE summers are quite hot with the temperature going above 45 degrees and humidity averaging over 90%. It is the season when people prefer to stay indoors and avoid exposing themselves to the hot weather. But this is not the case with the ‘ships of the desert. The Emiratis consider this season as the best time to provide good care for their loving Camels. With the beaches of the UAE are comparatively empty in the hot summer mornings, the Camels will be taken to the beach in groups and will be allowed to swim in the beach. As per the camel herds, swimming in water help the camels to cool their body temperature down and help them to heal small wounds if any on their body by exposing themselves to seawater. It also helps the camels to kill the body bugs and make them feel refreshed. They will also be treated with some herbs followed by a bath in the sea. It is a very rare moment since Camels are expected to be seen in the desert. The camel herds who spent their life mostly in the desert environment will also enjoy the break and refresh themselves before the next racing season which generally starts in October and lasts up to April of the subsequent year. The owners along with their family members at times join their favorite animals making it a celebration in summer.
"Life Wins"
It was a dream come true to freeze an near impossible complete sequence right from the stalking to the chase and finally the kilI. Being in the right strategic position did help me capture the entire event. The chase between the cheetah and its favorite food the Thompson gazelle is a visual treat to watch. The speed at which they run and way they maneuver the zig zag movements is sheer poetry in motion. With the cheetah having a slight edge as regards to speed,whereas the gazelle has better sustainability, the outcomes are often decided by the initial gap between the two rivals.
Unconditional love...
In India, vast majority of the population still lives in the rural areas, having organic, rooted and rustic life, devoid of modern amenities. The children in the rural India only have nature as their source of recreation. They have deep connection and knowledge of their natural surroundings and an intimate, loving bond with the domesticated animals. These animals are great companions and friends of the budding generation.
Shaheen Falcon devouring a Indian Pond Heron.
Shaheen is a monsoon visitor to Chennai & surrounding, usually sighted between May to September with sightings in July & August Shaheen falcon displays aggression while devouring the pond heron kill. She is very brave & bold, not bothered much by human presence, and followed her daily routines & hunts just in front of us. I was lucky to witness her making kills and fortunate to record some live hunts as well.
Unconditional love of the umbilical bond
The Red billed Leiothrix mother is the first to come to the branch. She watches intently for a few seconds before signaling the child to follow suit after ensuring the area is safe. Then its all a frenzy. She chooses and picks the best of grains, turns around with the chosen food in her beak to face the juvenile. However, before feeding the child, she makes sure that his beak and mouth are empty. Only once has the juvenile opened its mouth to its fullest, does the mother Leiothrix insert the food, very tenderly and carefully, deeply right inside the throat of the juvenile. Not to say the least, she waits and watches making sure that the child has fully ingested the food and has nothing in his throat before repeating the same process. Just fascinating to watch and nothing else! Well this is the love of a mother - pure and sacred…….
Samir Sachdeva, India, Greater Noida
Preserved Pearls
Pictures of Arabian Oryx from Al Qudra area of Dubai. Oryx was once facing extinction however special efforts were made by the father of the nation Sheikh Zayed to protect and develop the various living resources in the UAE’s desert so that they might live in harmony with urban and human development.
Flamingoes are migratory birds in Navi Mumbai. They can be observed from TS Chanakya Lake and Talawe Lake (behind NRI complex) in Navi Mumbai. I shot this near TS Chanakya with my Canon 90d. I made it a slow shutter image with the help of tripod and ND Filter. There were more than 1000 flamingoes. It is very fascinating to watch these pink beauties arriving in flocks and settling here!
Land of Silhouettes !
Ahmednagar - the Land of Silhouettes. I always wanted to go to Masai Mara / Serengeti to click silhouttes of Gazelles and other animals. But always wondered why not here..? After years of finding this land and waiting hours for mammals to come so that I could capture them near the sun or with the sun finally paid off. These silhouttes of Indian Blackbucks, Gazelles, wolves, etc. from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India for me is the hidden treasure found and a treat to eyes.
Onkar Ravindra Bedre, India, Ahmednagar
Morning Ritual!
Shot this in Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary in India. Spot-billed Pelicans are found in India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Thailand. These birds prefer both manmade and natural wetlands where they mainly feed on fish. Designated as Near Threatened by IUCN, Spot-billed Pelicans face threats such as disturbance of breeding and feeding sites and poaching of eggs and chicks.
Dark Secret
In this photo, the art of dark beauty creates a dramatic environment. I always wanted to create a different style and dramatic form of art. Photography is an art but as a fashion photographer many peoples ask and say to me " is fashion photo is an art ? ". That's why I decided to capture a different and dramatic form of photography in fashion and portrait genre.
A Sewist
We all know how important it was to Utilize the correct use of sewing machines were Some sewing machine manufacturers saw a shortage as both big-box retailers and small shops experienced a pandemic sewing rush. Many sewists and crafters like Mr Sachidanand dusted off their sewing machines or purchased new ones to begin sewing masks, whether for personal use, for front-line workers or for sale. Some fashion designers and large brands also ramped up mask production. Clicked on phone 15/1/2021, North Kolkata
Govadiyo the title means a Flockman. I've been looking for a portrait of shepherd for long time. The village Deesa in Gujarat where my cousin lives,There are much wide open fields. After lunch i went to the fields and found a group of cattles and the this Flockman. We had quite discussion and spend some walk with them.
Yellow Monitor lizard Territorial fight.
THE TERRITORIAL FIGHT It was Just to Dusk. Me & Pritam ( my co-birder) were in search of Painted Snipes since afternoon but on getting no trace of it,I reluctantly sat down in the middle of open grassland & started Enjoying Nature. This is the season of Monsoon & I was busy in watching the Dark Clouds moving here & there above us in a backdrop of setting Sun. I was enjoying this at its full & as much as i could see it was only the GREENERY of the Grassland & Wetlands.There was no one except us & few farmers in their field packing up for home. Now a days I don't regret on not getting a good Frame of any species after tiring search,rather I enjoy the search,staying near to its habitat the field,grassland & forest seeing lots of other birds & animals this gives me Pleasure,So everyday I try to get some time out of Hustle-Tusle of busy life & visit some place where I could spend some time closely with nature,thus Photography has now been Secondary to me. But my co-birder was a bit Upset ,he said to me 'dada you stay here & enjoy the view let me continue the search',thus he went on, I was sitting enjoying the Dusk & clicking a few shots of this Landscape. Suddenly after a few minutes i heard his call, 'Dada come here quickly'.Hearing this sound the farmers in the field looked for a glance & again got busy with their work. Pritam was a bit far from me,So I thought 'shall I go?, I may not get time to see & the bird will fly,it will be a waste of time lets enjoy the Sunset'. I was thinking all these as then I got the 2nd call, 'Dada please come quickly with the Camera'.Now I was Sure something Special & different from my thought was waiting for me. I quickly ran with my Camera forgetting everything,put my bag & shoe in a dry place. Now I have to put my feets in a marshy land with mud & water logged in,I could not see even what was beneath my feet. On reaching by his side he quickly pointed at the disturbance in the water just 3-4 metres in ahead of us. Standing in water logged field what I could see was two monitor lizard of Golden Yellow color was trampling in front of us.Later we discovered it to be Yellow Monitor Lizard ,Earlier many a times I saw Monitor lizard in this area but they are so Shy that I could even took my camera to shoot them,they just ran into the bushes. They generally try to stay away from humans & this was even logical because they are been hunted for their skin & meat,In this place also their hunting is reported.People also think them to be venomous & pose threat thus being killed,This all has lead down their population to decline & pushing them to verge of Extinction,Loss of the Wetlands leading to their habitat loss is also a reason though. Let's back to our story,We both were thinking that this is an act of Mating,but on moving a bit closer & seeing through viewfinder it was clear that this a Tussle between two Adult Males for Territory. As I have mentioned above generally they are very Shy but this time I was very amazed to see they were least bothered by our Presence.Getting such a Opportunity is very rare so without wasting more time we started pressing shutter to capture those moments. Their way of Fighting is quite Similar to our style of 'Kusti'(type of wrestling). Using both upper limbs they try to grab each other then put down in water,one getting on another & try to drown the other in water,whipping using tail etc,we were witnessing all the way how they fight. After taking a few shots I thought this moment is very special & rare & we are lucky to witness this.So I decided to record video clips but it was not easy to do, as I did't have a tripod with me. I therefore asked Pritam to lend his Shoulder so that I can give a support to lens & make the video As the saying goes he gave his shoulders to support the lens & I went on recording as much as Steady I could. We don't know from when they started their fight but we witnessed it for more than 30 minutes. This was a one-sided fight & the opponent had lost the battle far before being weak,but the stronger one didn't let him leave the ground as if 'I will teach you a lesson today never to mess with me in future' For a glance this thought also came in our mind lets Stop the Fight or else the weaker monitor being repeated drowned & beaten up may die,We feel as if the the weaker monitor asking for help & feel pity as if some human such rudely beaten up 'shall we not have helped? But then only it came in our mind,NO. This is Nature & Nature have its own rules So we didn't Interfere. The backdrop of dusk,black clouds in sky & call of Lapwings, pratincoles,in background was creating a Unique Moment. Finally the fight came to an end & the loser had to leave the ground,The winner stayed there for few more minutes as if rejoicing his Victory. Sun has already set down & few drops of pour has also started,Taking such a treasure in our camera & most importantly in Grey Matter we headed towards our home.
The Face
An old woman’s face is enough to tell her experience through her life
Subhranil roy, India, Jalpaiguri
Shaheen Falcon devouring a Indian Pond Heron.
Shaheen is a monsoon visitor to Chennai & surrounding, usually sighted between May to September with sightings in July & August Shaheen falcon displays aggression while devouring the pond heron kill. She is very brave & bold, not bothered much by human presence, and followed her daily routines & hunts just in front of us. I was lucky to witness her making kills and fortunate to record some live hunts as well.
Nostalgic Splash!
It was monsoon, I was out clicking street photos and I saw this puddle of water in the grassy ground and felt nostalgic! We used to jump, run and play football during the monsoon on these grounds. So I just went ahead and started splashing the water with my foot like a child! And I noticed the beautiful effect it was creating, so I opened my camera, set the shutter speed high, and tried capturing the moment. After a few tries, I got this result.
Five Fingers.
Before the rain started, a man was standing by the river, applying soap, and some people were bathing a short distance away. I noticed for a long time that he was applying soap with his hands on his back. The soap on his five fingers and the cloud before the rain started created a dramatic moment and the photo was taken with the help of Redmi 8 mobile phone.
One Horned Rhino With Myna
One Horned Rhino is the pride of Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India. The habitat of Kaziranga is awesome mainly after rain. This photo has taken just after the rain. You can see the green and blue color made this image more interesting. A few jungle Myna was playing on the back of this giant which gives another point of view about dependency in jungle. I was the only one in this national park at that time because of rain.
Frame In A Frame In A Frame
This is probably the best street photograph I have captured till now. The secret of being the best lies in the composition. This is a "Frame In A Frame In A Frame" composition. The first frame is in the shape of a trapezium formed by the legs of the dog & the second frame is the triangle formed by legs of the football player. The spherical football makes the story of the football game more perfect. Also there are a lot of geometrical shapes in this photograph. If we look at the photograph, our vision goes directly to the subject - the goalkeeper facing his back. Also we can find 3 different layers - the first layer consisting of the legs of the dog, the second layer consisting of the legs of the football players, the third layer containg the subject. I captured this moment by observing the movement of the football players along with the movement of the dog. It was a very difficult task to observe the postion of both of these elements. Then I kept on waiting for the perfect moment & finally captured this. This is captured with my smartphone - Samsung Galaxy M32.
Siberian birds came Varanasi during winter season.
Migratory Siberian birds in large numbers flocked to UP’s Varanasi. The mesmerizing view attracted birdwatchers on banks of river Ganga. Many a foreign tourist used to spend hours on the ghats, clicking pictures of the birds flying and landing on the Ganga, playing with the tourists.
The Breathe
This Photograph was clicked a year ago during lockdown I was in my village named Boiragipadar a very small village in the Koraput district. There were a group of kids who used to bring their cattle for grazing in the morning and before going to the house they used to spend time bathing, jumping, and playing in this small puddle. I always loved how these kids view the world, living in the moment and enjoying it to the fullest. I used to spend hours with them and Photograph them at times. This day the kids were usually enjoying the water and I waited for a long time to capture a moment when the kid comes out of the water, that expression of searching for breath was all I needed and I was wishing at the same time this another kid to jump, and I got lucky.
sourabh Choudhury, India, Bhubaneswar
Life & Stories
This is a Photo from a Winter Foggy Morning of Kolkata, India. The Fog was so immense that the iconic bridge of the City - Howrah Bridge that is situated on the River Ganges has got lost in it . A water carrier is on his duty of filling water from the river and carrying it back to his customers is surrounded by the flying pigeons , which in return has given the frame an beautiful Moment.
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