angry jackal
These two birds were practically jumping for joy after they made this quick getaway.
They leapt to flight when a hungry Golden Jackal went after them in a snowy ambush.
It was a close shave for the lucky birds with the jackal only feet behind them as they took off.
“I was glad just to be able to photograph a jackal.
“But suddenly he rushed towards the magpies. These birds are not the usual prey for the jackals and I am pretty sure the jackal was not going to chase them.
“I just had a feeling that the magpies provoked the jackal for some reason. I would say the magpies just made the jackal mad just with their presence.
“And he looked really angry. There was a moment when it seemed the jackal would grasp the bird – but the birds are quite fast and cautious and this time they were lucky enough to escape
“I am fond of wildlife photography and this was a usual shooting – I was lucky to see a golden jackal and actually I did not expect any action shots.
“And the jackal relaxed just after the birds disappeared from his sight.
“Of course I feel happy I saw this action and have been able to photograph and make some descent shots.”
Nikolay Nikolov, Bulgaria, Shumen