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Following their tradition [TOP100]
At Ras Al Khaimah, Camel handlers do take their camels into the sea for a wash and bath to get rid of ticks and fleas at every winter. The salty water from the sea helps them get rid of ticks, fleas and other parasites. Bathing camels in this way is an old Arab tradition, new hotels and resorts being build along the coast line. Another fact is that there are more veterinarian clinics available for the camels to be treated.
Shyjith Onden Cheriyath, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Thu hoạch cói [TOP100]
The Phu Tan sedge field is the source of raw materials for the Phu Tan traditional sedge mat production village, which is over 100 years old in Phu Yen, Vietnam. In the harvest season, the slaves cut, shake, and drag the sedge to the village to split the sedge, dry it... The work of harvesting sedge in Phu Tan creates a community culture in daily life as well as in labor, helping to connect. family members and between families in the village.
06-53 Morning Mundari, South Sudan [TOP100]
In the Mundari cattle camps, kids are doing most of the daily work. Kids collect the fresh cow dung and put it into piles which are then set on fire. Those fire are useful as they repel the (extremely) numerous and voracious flies and mosquitoes of the South Sudanese countryside.
Ageless Bond: Elderly Man and His Beloved Rooster
The photo shows an old man sitting on a wooden bench in a rural setting, with a rooster perched on his lap. The rooster is a handsome bird with bright feathers, a proud comb, and sharp spurs. The sunlight is shining brightly on the scene, casting shadows on the ground and illuminating the details of the man\'s face and body. The man is holding the rooster gently, with two hands under its feathers. The rooster seems calm and content, enjoying the man\'s company and the peacefulness of the moment. The photo captures the timeless relationship between humans and their animals, as well as the simplicity and beauty of life in a rural community. The old man and his rooster exude a sense of calmness, joy, and companionship that can bring a smile to anyone's face.
Wan Mohd Fadzli Bin W. Samsudin, Malaysia, Kuala Nerus
Indonesia Traditional Market
In Indonesia, practically all traditional markets are pasar pagi, open from early in the dawn to mid day. Often the stalls are temporarily overflow occupying nearby streets around the marketplace — which normally open for traffic in other hours of the day. They sell fresh produces, such as vegetables, fruits, chicken, meat and fish. (Source : Wikipedia)
Mieke, Indonesia, Banjarmasin
Комариное гнездо
Условия работы оленевода в летнее время. Комариное гнездо,стадо оленей на закате
Rimma Solovyova, Russian Federation, Якутск
Осталась только память.
Очень часто бабуля просматривает старые, черно-белые снимки, вспоминая тех, кого рядом уже нет.
Kseniya, Belarus, Барановичи
Theyyam - The Human God
Theyyam (Teyyam, Theyam or Theyyattam) is a popular ritual form of dance worship in Kerala and Karnataka. Theyyam consists of thousand-year-old traditions, rituals and customs. The people of these districts consider Theyyam itself as a channel to a god and they thus seek blessings from Theyyam.
Visiting net early in the morning
Every day, when sunset falls, many people on both sides of Cua Dai, downstream of Thu Bon and Truong Giang rivers in Vietnam, start a night of making a living with Ro cho job. The net is dropped into the riverbed the previous afternoon and pulled up early the next morning. The season lasts from December and ends in September next year. In the rainy season, the are dismantled to avoid being swept away. Ro Cho is the local name for how to catch fish on the river, a combination of a house and a net (ro). The nets are placed near the bank or in the middle of the river made of bamboo poles plugged down and connected to the net; two ropes connected to an inner pulley for lifting and lowering. At present, less and less people do this job, and they switch to other jobs that are easier to make a living. In the photo, the couple visit the net to pull in the early morning
Mud wrestling festival in Van village (Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province) is a unique cultural and sports activity because it is nowhere to be found and takes place in the middle of May with a cycle of 4 held once a year.
Nguyen Van Hai, Viet Nam, Dong Hoi city
Рабочий и голуби.
Рабочий кормит голубей во время работы по реконструкции Большого каменного моста в Москве.
Natalia Makarova, Russian Federation, Балашиха
Wool making
The traditions are still being carried out in Anatolian Turkey even though it’s getting more and more difficult everyday with the technology taking the place of wool workers. They use special brushes to turn the wool into threads.
Canola flower season
Ha Giang - Vietnam Spring comes with the yellow flowers of broccoli; white color of plum and pear flowers; pink color of peaches, triangles of buckwheat and above all, warm human love. From the majestic nature, the innocence of children or the bright eyes of the old people, all bring emotions whether you are a newcomer or have been to Ha Giang many times..
Dusty Mountains
The dusty and arduous journey of sheep herds in Bitlis-Turkey. Herds of sheep come to the plain from the top of the mountains to drink water and graze after milking every morning and evening. Although the mountainous plains of this region strain both sheep and shepherds and dogs, their daily lives continue. This photograph I took in August tells the daily story of shepherds and sheep.
Grave dwellers
From the stricken city of Aleppo In one of the cemeteries, I saw this tired old woman taking refuge in one of the graves She refuses to go to the shelters, to stay close to her house, which was damaged by the earthquake that struck Syria This is the situation of the majority of the population of Syria today We ask God for patience and mercy for them
Mohammad Abo Helal, United Arab Emirates, Sharjah
Еще раз про любовь
На фото Клара Ивановна и Анатолий Демьянович. Они познакомились 3 года назад в автобусе. Он подал ей руку, когда она выходила из автобуса, а потом предложил проводить до дома. Обменялись телефонами, начали созваниваться и гулять вместе, а потом и жить. На тот момент Анатолию Демьяновичу было 91 год, Кларе Ивановне - 86. Он всю жизнь проработал моряком дальнего плавания, она - гимнастка и посвятила себя спорту. Мы много беседовали, удивительно было слушать их историю. Наше общение продолжается и по сей день. Этот кадр я сделала почти случайно. Мы запланировали домашнюю съемку и когда я подходила к их дому, видела сидящими на лавочке в обнимку. С этого и началась фотоистория "еще раз про любовь".
Садыкова Юлия, Russian Federation, Тюмень
В снежной рамочке
Зимняя рыбалка. Сибирь, мороз за -30.
Marina Fomina, Russian Federation, Красноярск
Dry a ceramic cup
Dry a ceramic cup in the yard of a factory in Tay Ninh, Vietnam. This ceramic cup is used in rubber latex harvesting in the southern region of Vietnam
Nguyễn Tấn Tuấn, Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh
Floating wholesale fruit market on the Buriganga river .
Floating wholesale fruit market on the Buriganga river .
তানভীর আহমেদ ভূঁইয়া, Bangladesh, Comilla
Families living in the high mountains, they often bring their small children while working. Some children are still on their mother\'s back, the older children play with the sun and wind by themselves. In the difficulties of the people here, there is a resilience in productive labor along with the simple joy and happiness of each family.
На закате
- Бабушка о чем задумалась? - Когда мне стало столько лет?
Zhanna Makarova, Kazakhstan, Усть-Каменогорск
The ethnic Banar People in Kontum (Vietnam)
The Ethnic Banar Grandpa and his granddaughter in Komtum (Central Highland Vietnam)
Pham Van Ty, Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh
The Pineapple bicycle
Juicy fruit pineapple market has accumulated in Madhupur of Tangail, known as the capital of pineapple.The pineapples of Madhupur in Tangail, Bangladesh are incomparable in taste and smell. Its reputation was unique throughout the country.This time the yield is good as the weather is favorable. The price is also good. Image showed a harvester is transporting the ripe pineapple from his field to local market having a smile on his face.
Pinu Rahman, Bangladesh, Dhaka
For Us
Those fishermen who engage in seine net fishery. I went to capture moments in seine net fishery. This moment is fishermen bring their fish harvest. I have chosen a low angle to show their activity with facial expressions. Its show depicts the hardness of proceeding with their lives.
L. Sasindu Pramuditha De Silva, Sri Lanka, Ambalangoda
Daily live
An old man while he working in his shop,its very classic for me because his shop is very old and he work from 63years ago in this shop when he was 7years old and his name is kaka khalil Ahengar ,Ahengar mean blacksmith.
سردار حسنی, Afghanistan, Kabul
living with metals
As usual, this old man does his daily work, which he used to do since he was young, in the manufacture of metal pieces such as knives.
محمد ايمن, Egypt, El-Mahala El-Kubra
The Attention
The photo is taken in the Teansilvnia area, Câmpeni city, Alba county, Romania. In the photo is a cobbler looking out the window.
Sarb Vasile, Romania, Alba Iulia
Oil spray.
The worker oil spray inside the new fishing Boat with Natural light.
Tajul Islam, Bangladesh, Feni
Traditional Market Bali Classic
This picture taken with Concept Setting of Traditional Market Bali Classic, all the people in this frame is balinesse which live in small village located in Bali. With traditional costume and items which selling in the old market. We make it as the same as the very old traditional market
Fishing in the Ocean
Local people fishing in the ocean at the dawn.
Nabanita Das, India, Raghunathganj
carry goods for a living
Talking about street vendors is talking about people who go to street vendors, who are committed to their destiny. They do not sit in a fixed place but roam around the cave and alley. The characteristic of street vendors is poor laborers with curved poles, regardless of whether it's a sunny or rainy day, they carry on their shoulders a lot of essential things to serve the needs of daily life.