Babel is much more than cold empty grey buildings. It´s the empire of solitary confinement.
Paradoxically, living the moment of the greatest technological development in history to communicate each other, it is precisely when we are most isolated.
Babel is the territory of misinformation and confusion due to the overabundance and the sum of spurious interests, the creation of fake news and, especially, the absence of critical thinking and philosophy. The X-ray of a society empty of humanity.
A universe of interests where People become useful and essential for big data business and happen to be handled by the almighty mathematical algorithms. Towers and buildings of technology, science, religion, politics. Monuments of culture, finance, or the greatest glory of public administration and media. Empty hives from where our loneliness feeds, and where critical thinking is flattened.
Babel relates us to biblical passages where the god of technology, politics, religions, culture and the economy confused the man who one day dreamed of being God….
Babel speaks of the confusion of modern man, of our disorientation and of the defenselessness of ourselves, because there is no greatest loneliness than missing oneself, than walking without the presence of our own shadow.
Ángel J. Sánchez, Spain, Getxo