In a park in Toronto, when winter comes, a variety of raptors gather here, such as Red-tailed Hawks, American Kestrels, Long-eared Owls, Short-eared Owls, and Northern Harriers.
The Staphylinidae are a family of beetles, mainly distinguished by their very short elytra. With over 58,000 species worldwide, it is the second most abundant family of beetles. This is an ancient group, with staphylin fossils dating back over 200 million years. They are ecologically and morphologically very diverse, and are commonly found in terrestrial ecosystems
Если вы сделаете паузу и позволите миру замедлиться, вас ждет захватывающий дух шедевр. Магия этого места превосходит все ожидания. Обсерватория Аренал представляет собой идеальную точку обзора на горный массив и вулкан Аренал. Здесь вы становитесь свидетелем одного из самых захватывающих закатов, которые только может предложить природа.
Grandma Pan lives with her son and her grandchildren in Lao PDR. She feels lonely sometimes after her husband had passed away ten years ago. By the time, she has no friends and she has to look after her grandchildren while everyone is gone work in the field.
The River Port Way - Golden Mornings
To wake up to such beautiful colours, the sky is on fire, and the river is burning, my mood is in colour and I can’t stop dreaming of all the possibilities.
This in the present series will complement the unique beauty of seasons, nature and uniqueness of colour. I have fallen in love with my backyard and what it offers my artistic vision until I can get my wings back.
- Рейтинг фотографов по странам и городам строится на основе 3-х лучших фотографий автора и их относительной позиции в каждой отдельной номинации. Рейтинг в номинации "Мобильная фотография" учитывается в меньшей степени для формирования рейтинга. В списке по странам и городам показывается одна фотография автора с лучшим рейтингом.
- В списке опубликованы только работы которые прошли 2-й этап голосования.
- The rating of photographers by countries and cities is based on the three best photos of the author and their relative position in each separate nomination. Rating in the nomination "Mobile Photography" is taken into account to a lesser extent for rating formation. The list by country and city shows one photo of the author with the best rating.
- Only those photos have been published in the list that passed the second stage of voting.