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Life & death [TOP100]
I took this photograph in the Ganga river. It boasts a secret in itself is the photograph the story that is very surprised. When the police officer gives the unknown corpse for cremation to dom people after the post-mortem, they throw it in to the river to save some money. When the summer comes the skeleton of these body appear on the sand. Still there is no legal action
Rahul Gupta, India, Barh patna
he first COVID-19 patient in Turkey was diagnosed on March 11. On March 16, places of worship were closed. Since the number of patients has gradually decreased, the mosques will be opened to worship within the framework of social distancing and hygiene rules by tomorrow. Municipal teams are disinfecting mosques constantly.
Uzsoki Hospital, Budapest [TOP100]
Medical workers wearing personal protective equipment take care of a Covid-19-positive patient in the Uzsoki Street Hospital, Budapest, Hungary, on May 16th, 2020. In Hungary, the mark of 20,000 total deaths related to Covid 19 was exceeded in March, out of a population of approximately 10 million. The death rate compared to the number of the population is thus one of the highest in the world.
Солдаты Победы
Фотография ветеранов сделана в период ливневого дождя на праздновании Дня защитников Аджимушкайских каменоломен в городе-герое Керчи.
Leonid Panin, Russian Federation, Керчь
штормовое утро
Аварийная выборка трала в штормовую погоду. Охотское море, утро.
Porsh.E, Russian Federation, Партизанск
Тяжёлая работа / Hard work
Промышленные альпинисты очищают ото льда ванты Русского моста, устраняя последствия ледяного дождя. Работы выполняются на высоте 300 метров. г. Владивосток, ноябрь 2020 г.
Victor O., Russian Federation, Владивосток
The Young Breeder
Portrait of a Mundari child with a bull of the cattle (South Sudan). The Mundari are cattle herders of South Sudan, the world's youngest country, who dedicate their lives to the care of their cattle. The Mundari live in symbiosis with their cattle and nothing is more important for them than their bovines. In their cattle camps, kids are doing most of the daily work.
Black Lives Matter is an international human rights movement, originating from within the African-American community, which campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. BLM regularly holds protests speaking out against police brutality and police killings of black people, and broader issues such as racial profiling, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system. The movement returned to national headlines and gained further international attention during the global George Floyd protests in 2020 following Floyd\'s death by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He died after being arrested for allegedly using counterfeit money to buy cigarettes. A white police officer, knelt on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds, leading to his death. Events of the arrest, death, and the actions of the officers have led to international Black Lives Matter protests, calls for police reform, and legislation to address racial inequalities. Protests erupted and have continued since, across many US cities, in Australia, France, the Netherlands and in the UK. These photographs were taken on 6th June 2020, during the London protest. I found myself in the centre of the gathering, experiencing the whole range of human emotions and observing the uncommon behaviour. The fact that the protest took place during the Covid-19 pandemic make this event even more significant. Just around 11 PM, after many hours of standing in furious the crowd, I was taken for the police investigation. The officer interviewed me and checked the ID. Finally, I was able to leave but advised not to return to the city centre within 24 hours as this would result in being arrested.
Chris Mozyro, United Kingdom, London
Ледовое сражение
KHL Противостояние хк Автомобилист и хк Сибирь в play-off
Basanaev, Russian Federation, Екатеринбург
When nothing else matters than a mother's love. Every day she carries the heavy burden of living an ungrateful life, with a past of survival she does not want to remember and with a future she cannot see. But that doesn't stop her from protecting her son and giving him all the love, even while she works hard from sun to sun. A great mother, a huge woman
Saving a friend
An intense fire surprised Mr. Mario Alberto, who is deaf-mute, in the middle of the night. His humble house and vehicle were burning but his only concern was his best friend and furry child, Gordo, who was still inside o Desperate, he even tried to put out the fire with a hose but the flames were destroying everything, including his hopes of finding his son alive He kept signalling the firemen that nothing mattered but his dearest angel and when he thought he would never see him again, *suddenly amidst the raging flames, one of them came out carrying his most precious treasure: Gordo!
The workers of the San Carlos de Celanova residence celebrate the birthday of Elena Pérez, 98, two weeks after having overcome the coronavirus. Nine residents died at this residence and more than forty tested positive for COVID-19. Older people have been the most vulnerable group to the coronavirus pandemic that has shaken the entire planet.
Opponents of the demolition protest in Ljubljana
Opponents of the demolition of the former bicycle factory Rog and Monday's eviction of its squatters staged a protest in Ljubljana on Friday afternoon. Gathering in Prešeren Square, they first walked to Town Hall and then on towards Rog, shouting and carrying banners with slogans directed against the dictatorship of capital.
Pacu jawi is one of the sports or culture in Padang Indonesia. This picture was taken by a pacu jawi player making the finish while biting the buffalo tail. If he manages to bite during the finish, it is among the best finishes.
Muhammad Waliyuddin bin Ahmad, Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan
Connecting souls.
Migrants workers going back in lorries during Covid 19. Bhubaneswar, 2020.
Aman Kumar, India, Bhubaneswar
Bull Jumping
The “Bull Jumping” tests the bravery of Ukuli, who must be able to dominate his fears to become man. Ukuli is partially shaved, he is stripped naked and rubbed with sand to wash away his sins and bad luck. He also wears two strips of bark around his chest as protection during the test. f Hamer Ukuli fails to pass the test, because he falls more than four times, he must wait for the following year to retry the jump. If successful, the young man receives an animal skin on his neck and finally celebrations start with dances and dazed sounds of rattles and horns.
School Dilapidated Structure (poor learning environment)
This image shows the effect of poor learning environment in most public schools in Nigeria. Such devastated school buildings are usually found at the outskirts of the measure towns and in most rural areas which are far away from the gaze of the authorities as well as the citizens who may question the state of the affairs. It is to be noted that poor turn out of the pupils in such dilapidated schools is as a result of abject poverty of parents and guidance while a reasonable percentage of the teachers are poorly educated and in most cases have not been paid salaries for ages.
I have tried to portray the Serenity of the environment during Jumma Prayer on a Friday in Baitul Muqarram, the national mosque of Bangladesh.
Protap Shekhor Mohanto, Bangladesh, Dhaka
Some Days Are Hard But Hope In Tomorrow
The rain made everyone a 'Mumbaikar' in one fell swoop. Now no one is Marathi, no one is a brother, no one is a Hindu, no one is a Muslim !! Only a man who gets wet, only a man who asks for help and only a man who takes care of every soul !! Tomorrow the wool will fall, the rain will stop, everything will be fine. Just do one. Preserve the moisture provided by this rain!
"In Between"
Taken last January 2020 before the Pandemic struck the Philippines. It is a religious event called the "Traslacion" wherein the image of the Black Nazarene is carried in procession attended by millions of devotees. The faithful gathered for a thrilling 24 hour procession by foot, scrambling to touch the "Andas" or thr carriage to fulfill the promise of faith called "Panata"
Robert Marrel Dela Vega, Philippines, Batangas
Последний день села Карегах .
25112020 Политическая ситуация в Нагорном Карабахе. Село Карегах в Лачинском районе. Местный житель Арег , сидит на ступеньках горящего дома. Армянские беженцы, оставляя свои дома, сжигают их. В соответствии с трехсторонним заявлением лидеров России, Армении и Азербайджана о прекращении войны в Нагорном Карабахе эти земли должны быть возвращены Азербайджану.
Жданов Анатолий, Russian Federation, Москва
A client peeking inside a massive moulin on a glacier.
Andrés Miraglia, Argentina, El Calafate
Beat of a cord
El título evoca la fuerza invisible que lleva un ritmo y lo unifica todo. La toma es espontánea, como toda mi obra, sin pose o impostación. Instante en valle Baliem, en las tierras altas de Papúa, isla de Nueva Guinea, a un guerrero de la tribu Dani. Hombre tosco, cubierto de grasa de cerdo y hollín del fuego, quien toca la guitarra hecha por supropia mano que suena a madera más que a acordes elegantes. Dos personajes aparecen detrás: Un abuelo con una lanza y dientes de jabalí en la nariz, y un niño con cañas en la mano que sirven de flechas. Todos van desnudos, como iban sus ancestros, salvo por la funda de calabaza seca para el pene llamada koteka. El idioma dani sólo diferencia dos colores básicos, mili para tonos oscuros y fríos, y mola para tonos cálidos y claros. Queriendo jugar con ese rasgo llevé la imagen a una gama bicromática amarillenta y azul. Al juzgar lo arcaica de la escena, primitiva y natural reconozco el poder del tiempo y el espacio que yace en el hombre, a quien vemos en esta pieza, firme, creando en acordes la historia que vence a la muerte.
Camel rides and reflections
A line of camels at sunset with reflections
wendy klein, Australia, Upper Mt Gravatt
Полёт от волны в небо
Девушка Алина делает высокий прыжок с волны на вейксерф доске. Москва , Россия
Константин Родиков, Russian Federation, Москва
Рождественское чудо
Епископ Пантелеи́мон Шатов в канун Рождества 2021 года навещает больных COVID19 в Коммунарке на фото Епископ держит за руки супругов которые мечтали взять друг друга за руки.
Пелагия Замятина, Russian Federation, Москва
Туристы на национальном парке Нгоронгоро наблюдают за группой отдыхающих львов. Танзания 2019 год. Tourists at Ngorongoro National Park watch a group of resting lions. Tanzania 2019.
Dmitry Nikolaev, Russian Federation, Москва
A tired emergency doctor Their working shift is 24 hours
Gulnaz Makieva, Russian Federation, Moscow
1st October, 2019. «Shans» wheelchair basketball team (Tyumen Region) is in the training, Tyumen Region. All-Russian wheelchair basketball tournament preparation, 2019. The one who has been injured recently is living with a fear to make new steps to changes. The reasons why it’s happening are depression, despair and conviction that nothing can be turned into a bright side. And there are few people who come to trainings themselves and stay. Mostly handicapped guys prefer to stay in the shadow.
Natalia Gorshkova, Russian Federation, Тюмень
Республиканская больница восстановительного лечения , которую перепрофилировали под больницу для приема больных с диагнозом COVID19 . Снимки сделаны в красной зоне .
Akhmedov Anvar, Russian Federation, Махачкала
Between Wild Horses
Yilki Horses in Anatolia Turkey This horses are wild, previously needed on the farm, now taken care of by local farmers.
Edyta Chrząszcz, Poland, Ozarow Mazowiecki
В июле 2020 года японский банкер Wakashio сел на риф у юго-восточного побережья острова Маврикий. Из-за штормовой погоды работы по эвакуации судна были невозможны и спустя 2 недели из появившихся в банкере трещин началась утечка топлива в океан. Маврикий оказался на грани экологической катастрофы. Часть береговой линии полностью покрылся нефтяной пленкой. И если бы не местные волонтеры, мгновенно откликнувшиеся на призывы общественных организаций, то случилась бы настоящая беда. Люди со всего острова в течение нескольких недель работали на ликвидации последствий аварии. Из-за испарений нефтепродуктов многим становилось плохо. Но людей не становилось меньше. И они сделали это. Маврикий был спасён
Alexey Aryutov, Russian Federation, Краснодар
По пути в Шпицкоппе мы случайно наткнулись на племя бушменов, одной из коренных народностей Намибии.
Slashchilina Nina, Russian Federation, Москва
Serbian “POKLADE” is folk custom that is captured and perceived to present day. Poklade is held in the last Sunday before the Easter Lent. During that day, all young and old are dressed in animal attire to frighten the spirits of household thresholds of all who live in the local community. In addition to games, songs, jumps trough the fire, drinks and fatty/greasy foods, people are preparing for upcoming lent: a special time of prayer, penance, and sacrifice, time of calm, well-being and good works that lasts 40 days until the Easter. On the same occasion, the youth coated in animal clothing with ritual masks in addition to expelling demons from neighborly yards, collect the eggs that will be specially colored for the Easter.
Primeros Fuegos
incendio forestal, trabajo de bomberos voluntarios - Carpintería, San Luis, Argentina. Uno de mis primeros incendios como fotografa de bomberos.
Natalia Brignone - BOKEH arte, Argentina, Carpinteria
Силовое шоу
Кадр сделан 7 сентября 2019 года на праздновании дня города Москвы в Лужниках. На фото мой товарищ Алексей Крошнев в зубах удерживает гирю весом 32 кг.)
Alexey Kremnev, Russian Federation, Ростов-на-Дону
Steve Noble (drums).
28.02.2020 Moscow. Cultural Center "DOM". Alex Hawkins\ Evan Parker\ John Edwards\ Steve Noble.
Pavel Korbut, Russian Federation, Москва
Pacu Jawi (Cow Race)
cow race after rice harvest in Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat Indonesia
Riski Donheri, Indonesia, Padang Panjang
Витязь-аэро на пожаре
Пожар в поселке Эссо на Камчатке
Dmitry Voroshilov, Russian Federation, Петропавловск-Камчатский
The holy trio
A candid shot of three Buddhist monks walking on a wooden bridge. The holy trio seem to be from different countries , Dark red robe is the traditional Myanmar one, the orange ones are from Thailand Laos or Cambodia
Gil Kreslavsky, Israel, Petah Tikva
The last giant
From the darkness emerges a huge beast with horns creating a huge explosion that leaves people impacted some run to get closer to see more closely the last of the giants the largest and colossal bull that burns in the celebration of fire bulls in Tultepec Mexico.
Antonio Flores García, Mexico, Mexico City
Flying together
This photo was taken while two boats with fishermen and their family’s members are stretching nets to catch fish.
Phạm Nghĩa, Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh City
Play of light
children's soccer competition, children from 5 to 9 years old, in the background a coach.
Konstantin Mikhailov, Russian Federation, Когалым
Alexey Matveyev (Russia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy)
At the moment of Happiness. Heliski in the Land of Volcanoes at the most Snow Valley.
Alexey Matveyev, Russian Federation, Петропавловск-Камчатский
Golpe al FMI
Un ciudadano cubierto con la bandera de Costa Rica expresa su enojo en las afueras de la casa presidencial al acuerdo que el gobierno pretende aceptar con el FMI la gesta heroica de los ciudadanos en este día fue abatida a golpes de garrote y gases por parte de los cuerpos de seguridad del país.
Marco Monge, Costa Rica, San jose
Life in festival
After the whole day fasting Hindu devotees sit together with their foods on the temple floor to observed Rakher Upabas in Bardi near Narayangonj, Bangladesh.
Md. Faruq Hossain, Bangladesh, Chittagong
Открытие памятника лётчику-космонавту Игорю Волку в Жуковском.
Michael Polyakov, Russian Federation, Жуковский
This is the hot water spring lake in Bitlis Güroymak. It's time to have fun with the horses of the owners who bring their horses here every evening to relax. water tumbles are a square according to the moment. The air temperature to be drawn this square is -13 degrees. We freeze while we shoot. Of course, their enjoyment.
Street musician (actor Marat Abdrakhimov)
Rock opera "Crime and Punishment", Theater of the Musical (Moscow)
Evgeniya Turusheva, Russian Federation, Москва
Sukhoi Su-30SM Flanker
Russian Sukhoi Su-30SM Flanker Сухой Су-30
Rastislav Margus, Slovakia, Bratislava
Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man.'
Naveen Chellaiah, India, Perambalur