Small monsters [TOP100]
A group of Scarab beetles "Pharaonic Scarab" These species date back to Pharaonic times and constitute 30% of the world of the animal as a whole, classified and used by the Pharaohs as the oldest insect. Some scientists believe that the modern beetle began 140 million years ago, but modern research in 2007 showed an archaeological history dating back to the era of the Paleozoic era, about 265 to 300 million years ago, four below the rank of beetles polyphaga adephaga archostemata myxophaga Scarabaeidae is one of the species that belong to the class of vesicles or sheaths. It contains 27,800 species, including the mole (the beetle beetle) and the monoculture beetle. Most of the beetles belonging to this species are relatively large in size, ranging from 2 to 180 mm in length, and may be dark in some species, bright or shiny with different shapes and lines. Most of these beetles also have oval and convex shapes, and their sensory horns are distinctly shaped, divided into parts that can be combined with their individuality. They feed on a variety of materials, most of which are decomposing materials such as manure, fungi, some plant species and nectar, Also some beetles in this project feed on meat and predator.
Mofeed Abu Shalwa, Saudi Arabia, Qatif
Follow The Leader [TOP100]
Two oryx in the Namib Desert in Namibia climb the tall sand dunes to catch the cooler, moist air blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean.
PRINCE B ELEAZER, United States, Allentown
Above the Polar Bear [TOP100]
The image reveals the polar bear’s habitat during the summer in Nunavut, displaying the animal leaping between pieces of ice. Polar Bears depend on the sea ice as a platform for hunting and rest. They are facing a range of threats that are impacting their future population status. They are among the first refugees of climate change. The most striking observation during my reportage was the obvious lack of pack ice. The pinnacle of my reportage expedition was undoubtedly my close encounters with these majestic yet gentle animals. For me there is no better feeling than being close to those magnificent mammals, sharing a space with them. I will always remember that moment I saw my first polar bear, I cried during the three hours we stayed close to them. I discovered it swimming and by the time I left my binoculars to announce it to our captain, I was already crying.
Buff Tailed Coronet [TOP100]
Hummingbirds flap wings around at a rate of 50 time per second. They feed on nectar from the flowers. Image of this biff tailed coronet was clicked in Ecuador. Ecuador is filled with rain forests and cloud forests, which make it very conducive for the hummingbirds to make a habitat. To freeze these birds in flight I had to use the multi flash set up, When we landed in Guango lodge in Pappllacta, Ecuador we were surrounded by humming birds ,we had quicklyset up our multi flash units and started clicking the hummingbirds, this was the dream shot i was looking for and got it after clicking for few hours and few hundreds of attempts
On a Walk [TOP100]
The polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle. Although it is the sister species of the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrower ecological niche, with many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice and open water, and for hunting seals, which make up most of its diet. Although most polar bears are born on land, they spend most of their time on the sea ice. Because of expected habitat loss caused by climate change, the polar bear is classified as a vulnerable species.
Nessi [TOP100]
Тигровый уж (Rhabdophis tigrinus) — это довольно крупная, контрастно окрашенная змея: туловище зеленое с чёрными пятнами, что позволяет хорошо маскироваться в растительности, а участок тела за головой, напротив, имеет предостерегающие ярко-красные пятна. Я встретил эту змею на приморском побережье Японского моря, где она отдыхала, спрятавшись в скоплении зелёных водорослей недалеко от берега. Завидев меня, она приняла угрожающую стойку, в попытке отпугнуть и в этот момент мне удалось сделать серию снимков. The tiger keelback (Rhabdophis tigrinus) is a rather large, contrastingly colored snake: the torso is green with black spots, which allows to disguise itself well in vegetation, and the part of the body behind the head, on the contrary, has cautionary bright red spots. I met this snake on the Primoriskii kray’s seashore of the Sea of Japan, where it rested, hiding itself in an area covered by green algae not far from the coast. When it noticed me, the snake took a threatening pose, in an attempt to scare me away, and at that moment I managed to take several shots.
Ivan Naumenko, Russian Federation, Находка
Летающая акула на рассвете
Большая белая акула.
Sergey Uryadnikov, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Один на льдине...
Из экспедиции в Антарктиду - январь 2018 г
Mikhail Vorobyev, Russian Federation, Москва
Mom and Me..
The young cub who was running around, turned to nudge his mother when she growled. The back lighting made this image very interesting. It gave the rim light effect on both the lioness and the cub. Picture clicked at Maasai Mara game reserve. Exif Data- 3000*2000 Canon EOS 1DX RGB ProPhoto RGB 500MM F7.1 Exposure +3 Exposure time- 1/8000 2.2MB on disk
Tactile trunks
Elephants are exceptionally social creatures with strong family and group bonds. These are strengthened through tactile communication as emphasised in this fortuitously timed image of three females greeting and reassuring each other.
Alex Roldan, United Kingdom, York
молодые горбатые киты - дружелюбны, общительны и любознательны если Вы им интересны - обязательно подплывут рассмотреть поближе) я задержался на небольшой глубине и кит нырнул прямо ко мне, изящно обогнув в последний момент продемонстрировав себя во всём своём великолепии!
alexey zozulya, Russian Federation, balashikha
Россия .Камчатка.Когда идет нерест ,то это самое время для заготовки жировых запасов на долгую зимнюю пору путем ловли рыбы....
Аleksandr Markelov, Russian Federation, Сергиев Посад
learning to sing
The Barycz Valley is a vast area with a mosaic of forests, ponds, meadows and wetlands - the kingdom of birds. The most beautiful spectacle is the autumn cranes' gathering, which gather in several thousandth herds. Accommodation places of cranes create unforgettable images of nature.
This photo was taken in very early morning in Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, which Located in the southern, most part of the Department of Potosi, in SudLipez Province, Bolivia.There are salt lakes of glacial origin, wetlands and peatlands. The richness of the fauna in the highland region is low in number of species but has the presence of endemic species like flamingoes.
На зимнем лугу
Трудно себе представить более красивую птичку, чем серебристо-розовый Урагус-самец сидящий на вершинке полыни и залитого косыми лучами восходящего солнца. Его головка кажется совсем серебряной, а бока и грудь пунцово-красными. Во второй половине зимы он начинает петь. Пение его безусловно можно назвать одной из лучших песен наших зерноядных птиц. Негромкая своеобразная песенка журчит как ручеек весенней воды
vladilenoff, Russian Federation, Тюмень
A long year of studies and observations to follow this subject, many nights in white, this is the life of the true nature photographer, the shot is only the conclusion of a very long and tiring journey, when I managed to resume this moment, the satisfaction was immense, here Strix aluco as he pulls back from the hunt with the prey just caught. Carlo
Обнимемся, друг!
Лемур вари (лат. Varecia variegata). Фотография сделана в ходе поездки с друзьями на Мадагаскар, в сентябре 2017 года. . . Мадагаскар - достаточно бедное островное государство с преимущественно аграрной экономикой и бурно растущим населением. Практически целиком покрытый лесами век назад, остров остаётся домом для множества эндемиков - видов животных и растений не встречающихся больше нигде в мире. К настоящему моменту, остров сохранил лишь пятую часть своих лесных угодий. Деревья вырубаются в качестве единственно возможного здесь топлива, а так же выжигаются в ходе древнего как человеческая цивилизация подсечно-огневого земледелия. Современная медицина и мировая помощь населению Мадагаскара смогли побороть ужасающую детскую смертность и низкую продолжительность жизни, но не исправили нищету. Традиционно большое количество детей в семьях усугубляет ситуацию. Туризм - единственная возможность сохранить уникальную природу острова. Наши путешествия в эту страну действительно способны помочь редким видам флоры и фауны. Ведь говорят, что если вырубки сохранятся на прежнем уровне, а государство не получит притока денег от туристического сектора, быть Мадагаскару "лысым" через каких-то пятнадцать-двадцать лет. И прекрасные лемуры, хамелеоны и другие местные зверушки останутся только в заповедниках... . . А ещё на Мадагаскаре очень улыбчивые дети, добрый люд и просто рай для жанрового фотографа!
Viktor Ivanov, Russian Federation, Москва
Cuteness Overloaded
After an uneventful journey, I spotted a monkey with her baby at Katagamuwa National Park - Sri Lanka. Though they are animals, the maternal love between the mother and her child is clearly expressed between them. I was so overjoyed as I was able to capture this beautiful portrait of the baby monkey being breast-feeded by its mother. The pure innocence and cuteness of a baby is distinctly exposed in the eyes of the baby monkey.
Cheetah's twist to Kill
This was also taken in Masai Mara. We were following a mother and her two sub-adult cubs through the savannah as they tried to hunt unsuccessfully then rested and walked and walked till we came upon a herd of Impala grazing in some tall grass. We were the only vehicle there and positioned ourselves. After a wait for more than an hour, all hell broke loose and this mother Cheetah took down this female Impala right in front of us.
Family moments
A lovely moment from the Marsh pride, Savuti reserve,Botswana.The adult male is pride male. This pride is very large and strong. A very challenging pride to the Savuti pride. They are also known to get down elephants often. There is a lion in this pride named as "Short tail" who used to chase humans. The image conveys a family moment on a fine morning when they were trying to settle down in a shade..
Identify Me
This photograph was taken when I was on the morning stroll for a birding. Suddenly my friend called me and told me that the little guy you are looking for is came outside. Immediately I ran away to his place. He almost sat there for 2 hours and give us a spectacular moments of a lifetime.
During early 2018, I visited Yala national park with few of my photography companions in search of Leopards. On that day luck wasn't favourable for any of us. just like all leopards were on a leave. After searching everywhere in the morning we decided to stay close to a waterhole where a leopard was sighted on the previous day. So Waiting game was begun. At the mean time rain drops started to fall & we were hopeless! In the mild rain a Crested Hawk Eagle suddenly perched on a dead tree branch near us. As usual we took several photographs. Suddenly a White-browed fantail appeared & attacked the big predator. We realized that Hawk eagle had perched to a nesting area of the Fantail & small guy is showing its defense by attaching the Predator to send him away. Fight was lasted for good 15-20 minutes in a mild rain & Crested Hawk eagle decided to leave the war zone.
Маленький дракон
Тритоны (Triturus), иначе называемые уколами, — это род хвостатых земноводных семейства саламандр. Малоазиатский тритон (Т. vittatus), запечатленный на снимке, включен в «Красную книгу» и в «Красную книгу МСОП». Вид распространен на Западном Кавказе и в Малой Азии и везде малочислен. Ареал его в нашей стране невелик — лесная зона гор и предгорий Краснодарского края и отдельных прилегающих районов — представляет собой самую северную область мирового ареала. Самки и самцы малоазиатского тритона малоприметны и внешне почти одинаковы, пока живут на суше. Но как только наступает репродуктивный период и тритоны переселяются в водоемы, окраска животных становится более яркой. Самец буквально становится неузнаваемым: на спине у него вырастает очень высокий зазубренный, прерывающийся у основания хвоста гребень; кожная оторочка хвоста, в другое время невзрачная и небольшая, увеличивается и расцвечивается; окраска становится оливковой с золотистым оттенком, на всем теле появляется множество темных пятен: вот такое вот весеннее преображение. К большому сожалению их ареал быстро сокращается по вине человека. Встретить из в природе большая удача — понаблюдать и заснять их — редчайшее везение.
Nikiforov Egor, Russian Federation, Новороссийск
Nature in its rawest forms
An one day Old Giraffe calf getting hunted down by a hungry Lioness in front of the poor Mother Giraffe
Srikanth Santhinathan, India, Coimbatore
Один из моментов ухаживания у чомги,это предложение друг другу водорослей.Из таких водорослей они потом строят гнезда,конечно,если предложение будет принято.
Dmitry Viliunov, Russian Federation, Смоленск
Chim SÂU làm tổ trên cây dâu tằm. Chim mẹ đang tha mồi về cho con.
Phạm Thuận, Viet Nam, Ba Ria - Vung Tau
A school of jacks keeping their formation and displaying a good show for divers to photograph.
Efren De Los Santos, Philippines
Снег идет
Камчатка. Тихо идет снег и лиса о чем-то задумалась.
Denis Budkov, Russian Federation, Термальный
Golden Hour
Great Egret Hunting in a Golden Hour During Breeding Season .
Tanvir, Bangladesh, Barisal
Снято в Южной Якутии в сентябре. Белки готовятся к длинной якутской зиме, делают запасы.
Evgeniya Levina, Russian Federation, г. Нерюнгри (Якутия)
An African Sunset Dream
A beautiful female elephant dusting herself in the golden light before sunset. This is Africa of our dreams, Africa of the dusty, endless, atemporal plains teaming with megafauna. However, what to us looks like a tropical dream is a harsh test for creatures of all kinds, facing drought, sun and the continuous human expansion.
Drinking buddies
This shot of a Red billed oxpecker and buffalo was taken at a drinking hole in the Zimanga dame reserve
Alan Nixon, South Africa, Durban
Марсианское танго / Martian tango
Драка варанов, Шри-Ланка
Sergey Savvi, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Que miras?
Tortuga con mariposas en el Rio Yacuma, Beni, Bolivia
Esteban Argerich, Argentina, Buenos Aires
Я его поймал...
Весна. Степь. Молодые лисята играют возле своего дома-норы.
Gennadiy Lagunin, Russian Federation, Москва
Mother's love
A fox broke into his mother's territory, his mom was very angry to him. Although the young male fox is not allowed to return to the parent's territory for their true independence, this young fox still seems to be unable to establish his own territory. In recent years, with the development of large-scale agricultural land, increasing the number of red foxes at a very fast pace may make it difficult to establish a new territory. Nov 25, 2017 Canon EOS 7D MarkⅡ EF 500mm,1/1000sec,F/4.0,ISO400
While photographing a herd of wildebeest crossing the Mara River in the Masai Mara, I noticed that several wildebeest were taking a more precarious route that required a vertical leap down a crumbling cliff face. These two individuals leaped down at the same moment from different sides and descended as one amidst a cloud of dust and dirt.
Парочка молодых лисят резвится неподалеку от своей норы..
Tatiana Zherebtsova, Russian Federation, Симферополь
Рыбы и акулы могут создать свой собственный водоворот, а если точнее то, то наверное это будет уже рыбоворот.
Andrey Narchuk, Russian Federation, Moscow
Grizzly In Denali Fall
Large male grizzly foraging in the spectacular fall colours in Denali National Park, Alaska
Dan Twitchell, United States, Anchorage
Baby Owl Spotted
Name: Musaddekur Rahman Sylhet,Bangladesh Email:
Musaddekur Rahman, Bangladesh, Dhaka
The Squad!
Asian Green Bee-eater birds are hanging out together at the time of winter in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Shahidul Islam Sahel, Bangladesh, Dhaka
angry jackal
These two birds were practically jumping for joy after they made this quick getaway. They leapt to flight when a hungry Golden Jackal went after them in a snowy ambush. It was a close shave for the lucky birds with the jackal only feet behind them as they took off. “I was glad just to be able to photograph a jackal. “But suddenly he rushed towards the magpies. These birds are not the usual prey for the jackals and I am pretty sure the jackal was not going to chase them. “I just had a feeling that the magpies provoked the jackal for some reason. I would say the magpies just made the jackal mad just with their presence. “And he looked really angry. There was a moment when it seemed the jackal would grasp the bird – but the birds are quite fast and cautious and this time they were lucky enough to escape “I am fond of wildlife photography and this was a usual shooting – I was lucky to see a golden jackal and actually I did not expect any action shots. “And the jackal relaxed just after the birds disappeared from his sight. “Of course I feel happy I saw this action and have been able to photograph and make some descent shots.”
Silky sunset
The image was taken in 2018 as an half-half shot during the sunset in Cuba. It should show the beauty and harmony of sharks in nature, because -especially with finning (cutting the fins of sharks while they are still alive)- we are on to kill one of the most important animals to regulate our oceans.
Daniel Flormann, Germany, Hattersheim
Marine iguanas, endemic to Galapagos Islands, are land animals but feed mainly on the seaweed and algae that grow in the water.
Nadya Kulagina, Kazakhstan, Алма-Ата
Краснеющий голубой
Игуана на дереве.
Татьяна Витальевна Москальчук, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Камчатский воробушек
Мишки хоть и кажутся громоздкими и неповоротливыми, но на самом деле всё намного интереснее. Когда нужно поймать рыбу - они становятся стремительными и молниеносными, на толчок, прыжок и "хвать" им нужны доли секунды. Но до этого, в ожидании вкусной рыбины они готовы долгое время просиживать на пеньках, ветках и других не кажущихся удобными сооружениях, удивительно сохраняя баланс и комфорт..
Artem Kartavtsov, Russian Federation, Москва
35AWARDS 2018!