Seaweed Farmer
The location of this seaweed cultivation is located on Amal Beach, East Tarakan District. The number of seaweed cultivators in Tarakan City itself is very large, Technically, seaweed production depends on how many ropes the seaweed farmers use. Usually 100 ropes can produce up to 1 ton of seaweed. Raw materials according to potential marine life in Tarakan City. This commodity market outside Tarakan City is very high. The workforce that can be absorbed from this business is also very large, especially in empowering local communities living in coastal areas. The total derivative products that can be made from seaweed reach 500 species. Several large seaweed industries exist in France and Germany. Referring to the prospect of demand and increasing consumer awareness of healthy food, making this seaweed prospect in empowering the economy of Tarakan City.
Fahrian Naufal Rastandi, Indonesia, Tarakan