Pray for Earth [TOP100]
This shot i took on Lofoten Islands in an unknown place that i found going around the Gimsoya Islands (take part of Lofoten). That night was very cold, the temperature touched -20/-22.
Roksolyana, Italy, Auronzo di Cadore
acquq e vento [TOP100]
l immagine tratta dal mio progetto "Delirium"
luciano corti, Italy, lastra a signa
Steal Life
Far east. Steel foundries. Life here has a circular flow, in the morning the workers get up early, there are those who prepare meals for the others in turn. The shifts begin and the men are all busy demolishing old shipwrecks coming from all over the world, the metal is cut, worked, melted and again transformed. Only the metal here changes life, these men are not, they are always here, every day. Every day until the evening, until the siren sounds the arrival of sunset. A human chain made of fatigue, sweat and hard work. Many curious eyes and friendly smiles. Men to respect.
ITALY. Approximately 1400 kilometres covered, 65 days of travel, 8 regions crossed 56 stages completed and a wheelchair. I could summarize this wonderful experience of "Rotellando verso sud" ("Rotating towards the south"). There are stories that need to be told. Stories of courage and optimism. Stories of example for all. Supported by an unshakable faith in one's own individual resources, an uncommon willpower and a desire for independence that is also a challenge. This is the story of Bruno Rupp, "Paolo" for all, a seventy-year-old sprightly man who, a few years ago, suffered amputation of his lower limbs due to diabetes. In the torrid summer of 2019, together with his friend Mauro, he faced an incredible challenge: a journey of 1400 km on his electric wheelchair through Italy, from North to South, from the foggy Brianza to far Sicily. An absurd journey, all by road, without the aid of public transport or means of transport, without planning anything at all. Everything was born by chance, during a dinner with friends. Paolo said: "I can get to Sicily with this electric wheelchair!". That simple joke between friends gave rise to the incredible journey through Italy of "Rotellando verso Sud". "In the common thought is widespread the idea that a disabled person must necessarily be forced to depend on others, to live with constant limits and regrets, but in reality, at least for what concerns me, I think that this is only a big bullshit!" Paolo Rupp.
Starry Hurricane
composite true representation of a giant area with this rock in first plan. This is a panoramic, focus stacked, hdr and lightpainted snap during september milky way in sardinia , 2019, Su diru Sant'antioco The diaphragm signs ƒ/1 because it's a manual lens. respect in full the environmental dynamics of the scene.
Giovanni Corona, Italy, VILLAPERUCCIO
senza titolo #022
This photo is part of the series: “VIA RUPTA” ROUTE The images trace fragments of a journey disjointed, sometimes schizophrenic, far from the logic of the traveler in the classic sense. The uniqueness of this path is ascribable to a modernity that generates the concept of direction, carrying within itself the seeds of rupture or breakage from the fundamental stylistic elements of travel culture as represented in our Eurocentric cultural tradition. Each element is relentlessly overturned in proceeding along this "rarefied" and "untraceable" route. This is how the danger of the sea, a metaphor of journey, connects the actor and the spectator, forcing the former to struggle to survive, and the latter to adopt a new vision. This speaks of a journey that is indispensable, but yet unwanted and unchosen, with a destination that has more the mythopoetic traits of a primitive religious ritual than of a place that can be reached in the twenty-first century. The word route stems from the Latin "via rupta", that is, a path cut through the woods by clearing the plants; subsequently route came to mean a naval trajectory. Even here, the path is a "rupta way", with the role of the forest passing in the meantime to death, and the traveler draws his route through the act of subtraction. This is a unique journey, modern, whose only direction lies in the journey itself as it unfolds, generating a "rupta way" that cannot be represented on any map. Armstrong is the fictitious name of one of the asylum seekers welcomed in one of the Molisani shelters. In this series of portraits, I tried to isolate the subject from the context, without giving information on his social origin. These are portraits without clues or captions, that leave observer with the task of interpreting, "reading" the story, through what it tells of himself, with his face and his expressions. The meaning is to put the real existence of the subject and him, in a certain place and in a certain moment, in the center. The subject has been offered to the human gaze, in a place, and in a time, and he has really existed. This photographic portrait is the proof. In this case, the function and the power of this series of portraits, are to make present and visible again not only those who lived in the past, but also those who although contemporary to the observer, are often invisible to many. So, this series of photos, gives visibility, allows us to exist, and returns dignity. The subject is not only part of a context or the representative of a socially depreciable situation but is and remains first of all PERSON. His face, his look, the expressions he offers to the lens are fragments of a story that I recorded, interpreted in the shot and in the post-production and offer the use and interpretation of the observers. With these types of portraits, photography also becomes a tool to capture the essence of the subject and its interiority. Taking a picture of a person is like entering into a relationship with him; moreover, it is to recognize him the right to exist. I want to thank Roberto Mezzanotte and Amstrong who made the realization of this project possible. The portrait is not just a given material or an artistic work but a mystery to contemplate whose secret, paraphrasing Emmanuel Levinas, his true nature, is in the question that the subject addresses me and in his being always beyond and above all. The face to face with him, it calls me to a responsibility towards him, pushing me to reply.
SandroDiCamillo, Italy, Colle D\'anchise
Yin and Yiang
Ying and Yang All the universe is based on two opposite principles Yin and Yang: one cannot exist without the other, like the night can't exist without the day and viceversa as they are interdependent. No element of the universe can be only totally Yin or totally Yang. Each of the two element containes the seed of the opposite, as every woman carries inside a male part and every man a female one. they are among them complementary, they grow and decrease, they feed each other in order to reach a balance. There might be four kind of displacements: too much Yin, too muchYang, too little Yin, too little Yang. The complementary and alternated action of Yin and Yang moves everything in the Universe, taking place in time and space, creating microcosm and macrocosm. The interactions between Yin and Yang give Birth to the movement and LIFE OF UNIVERSE.
Pink Crab, they are very small to see and well camouflaged. Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Sergio Agro, Italy, Casatenovo
The the nail's revenge
"The the nail's revenge" ..... is the title of my picture ... that wants to express the concept of hammering nails ... in this case the nails are claimed. Exif data: Nikon D800 Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G ƒ/10 1s ISO 100
Giorgio Toniolo, Italy, Prarostino
The image respects all the canons of minimalism: the Sea shaded by long time and transformed into a mirror of the sky; The simple, clean and tidy composition: The mild and relaxing atmosphere. The figure of passage, however, breaks the symmetry and the boredom of the conventions, adding a welcome element of interest, color and movement. The umbrella is the natural focal point of the scene: although small in the scene, it has strength and weight thanks to the color. In the cold and blue Palette, the double red spot of the umbrella and its reflection immediately catches the eye. Thanks to the umbrella, the man who walks becomes the protagonist and the fact that he is about to leave the scene acquires much more meaning. The figure that moves appears suspended between sky and clouds, with a surreal and poetic impact, and leaves us free to fill it with meanings
Antonello, italian bookseller
In the digital age there are still people who believe in culture, books and the word resilience!
Cristiano Bonassera, Italy, Salsomaggiore Terme
in una notte d' estate....
sony A7III + tamron 28/75 blending cielo/terra cielo eseguito in stacking
VELLA GIUSEPPE, Italy, cefala diana
Due uomini seduti agli opposti di una fila di sedie di fronte all\'orizzonte... una metafora della società moderna sempre più distante e sola. Il cielo cupo sopra di loro non lascia presagire nulla di buono.
Fiorenzo Rosa, Italy, Celle Ligure
Alternate Identitie
I do not photograph what I see, but what I feel. A desert scene, immersed in silence, there is rarely more than one human figure, in which a dramatic strangeness emerges. The photographed subject seems extraneous to the environment, I like to photograph the silence. Characters that transmit solitude, expectation, inaccessibility, a psychoanalytic dimension.
Big Fish
A young bear has caught a big salmon, and is ready to run away to prevent older and bigger bears from stealing it
Paolo Barbarini, Italy, Busto Arsizio
Railway Station #1
I'm commuter. Every day, to improve the time of the most boring part of my working day, I take pictures of the people I meet as I go to work. This man is one of them. The particular thing about this photo is the light on his face. The yellow stripe on the floor has become like a reflective panel.
Interior landscapes
This photo was taken in Berlin (Government district) during my trip. I was looking for a structure that would highlight the greatness of human capabilities. The man who walks quietly under a palace of that size makes it clear to what extent the mind and human strength can come.
RAFFAELE, Italy, Nocera Inferiore
Lighting souls
To connect the world around us with the people wich are living in. I want to capture the human behaviours to report life of the city in a modern age, creating street photos in a unique, artistic, and poetic way. This is what catch me when I am with my camera trhough the streets where I am going. I walk down the streets, around buildings, in and out of lights and shadows while I'm looking for what catches my eyes.
“La via dei dolori della Madre Desolata”
Processione della Desolata: coro di 360 donne. Canosa di Puglia
ROCCO SCATTINO, Italy, Ferrandina
Procession of San calò, Agrigento, Sicily
Mi sono ritrovata anni fa a fotografare questa processione ad Agrigento, con alcuni amici fotografi. Come spesso accade al Sud, enorme è la partecipazione dei cittadini, in questo caso per un Santo che non è il loro Patrono, ma che venerano come se lo fosse. I bambini sono issati pericolosamente verso il cielo, a toccare la statua del santo mentre percorre le strade del centro, come forma di benedizione. Tamburiate, bande musicali, carri , rendono questo evento allegro e popolare, una vera festa collettiva.
Acqua alta
A Venezia l'elemento dominante è l'acqua. Vivere a Venezia significa , in ogni angolo della città , in ogni istante e in ogni stagione, incontrarsi amichevolmente o sfidarsi come in una battaglia tra uomo e natura,con le mutazioni della marea. La marea deciderà se la tua giornata sarà una spensierata passeggiata ad ammirare le meraviglie architettoniche della laguna oppure un travagliato percorso vita che comunque rimarrà un meraviglioso ricordo.
The Western Wall, Jerusalem.
In ancient Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall. I found myself at the center of one of their most important ceremonies: the Bar Mitza. Corresponds to Catholic First Communion, all 13 year old boys do. And the Wall was packed with people, believing Jews, practitioners and Orthodox. And being there among them was unsettling, I felt in a dimension that I would never have imagined, a dimension far from my culture, far away, but spiritually so touching as to leave my mark. I took no less than 300 photos, spent more than an hour immersed in their prayers, their tears, reading the Torah. And no one was in the least annoyed or disturbed by my intrusiveness, by my brazen curiosity, each of them continued in his prayer, in his ceremony without taking care of the rest. But there are not only images saved on a memory card, I have those carved in my memory that no editing software can modify, they remain there, indelible to mix with a thousand and a thousand others forever. •