Village on the cliff
First thing I did after arrival in Vagar Airport is visiting village of Gasaladur and Múlafossur waterfall. I was lucky, flight was slightly ahead of time and renting car was just a split of a second. 40 min after landing I was standing on this famous and beautiful location. Unfortunately there was almost no water in the fall and sunset was just hazy an pale with sky completely clear. As my schedule was very busy, I thought I won't get a chance to visit this place again but I had 1 free evening on my last day in Faroes. Second visit was much better. There was a few fast rolling clouds, much more water and there was some nice light shining on the Gasaladur village. Also Puffins arrived which I was hoping to see but never dreamed it will be from such a close distance.
The only thing I was missing here was some drama on the water but it was a case through my all stay. I am not a meteorologist but I just can't understand how is it possible that there is only little or no movement on the water in such a strong wind. I used long exposure to capture this lovely cloud movement.
Gasaladur and Múlafossur, Vagar, Faroe Islands
Pawel Zygmunt, Ireland, Oldtown