Building of the Wind
“Have you ever wondered what’s beyond a locked door, where maybe time has stopped?”.
‘Luoghi del vento’ (Buildings of the Wind) began as a personal project but by 2015 it had developed as a thesis project.
The photography project has been in production since 2013, spanning Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Ukraine and is still developing, the photographs have been taken in different types of buildings such as residential buildings, ecclesiastical, industrial, etc.
I intend to show that abandoned buildings are large open-air museums, with no opening and closing times, that describe the social, technological, aesthetic and cultural contexts. They testify to the transition from the past to the present.
Behind closed doors and barred gates, you can feel the magic, and the memory of these places lost in time.
With the desire to intrude and surprise, this work reveals a glimpse of a world that surrounds each individual, but which is normally concealed.tI shows unexpected and sometimes surreal environments, which are able to evoke powerful emotions. These photographs convey beauty, diversity, history, and magic and are a tool of knowledge and memory for future generations; they show the value of forgotten places that are still alive in their splendor in a suspended and timeless dimension.
Ylenia B, Switzerland, San Vittore