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Swing and a hit. [TOP100]
Brown bear playing with a stick and hits himself in the head!
Jeff C Birmingham, United States, CORPUS CHRISTI
Wolf Trinity [TOP100]
My pursuit of the endangered Indian wolf led me to a small village near Bhigwan, in the Indian state of Maharashtra, called Kumbhargaon. I learned from the local residents that a few wolf packs were frequently spotted near the agricultural fields in the area. I decided to establish a camp there and spent the following days closely following these packs. On one memorable occasion, I positioned myself in a rut created by farm tractors near a freshly tilled field, aiming to capture the wolves at eye level. It was during this time that I observed three sub-adult wolves engaged in playful interactions. That is when I decided to capture a few action shots to show how boisterous these amazing creatures were.
Girafometry... [TOP100]
Жирафы на ночном водопое, Кения, Шомполе.
Alexandr Kukrinov, Russian Federation, Вязьма
Yellow Bittern [TOP100]
The Yellow Bittern, also known as Ixobrychus sinensis, is a water bird species belonging to the Heron family (Ardeidae) and is one of the smallest bittern species in the world. This species is known for its distinctive plumage, with a striking yellowish crown and neck. One remarkable aspect of the Yellow Bittern is its diligent parenting. They are particularly adept at nest-building and raising their young, often in wetland environments, marshes, and swampy areas. Here is some information on how the Yellow Bittern diligently raises its young: Elegant Nest Construction: Yellow Bitterns typically construct their nests in grassy plants or near-water vegetation. Their nests are usually made from grass stems, dry leaves, and other natural materials. They carefully choose nest locations to ensure the safety of their offspring and to avoid attracting the attention of potential threats. Caring for the Young: After laying eggs, the entire Yellow Bittern colony typically collaborates to incubate the eggs and care for the chicks. They share responsibilities such as hunting for food and disposing of waste for the young ones. This ensures that the chicks receive enough food and the necessary care. Feeding Habits: Yellow Bitterns primarily forage in the water, targeting prey like fish, worms, and insects. They employ a subtle hunting technique, taking advantage of the tranquility of their watery environments to efficiently catch prey. Habitat Adaptation: Yellow Bitterns are highly adaptable to flooded habitats and depend on the preservation of their natural environment to maintain their existence. Despite being a small bird species, Yellow Bitterns exhibit remarkable abilities and selflessness in parenting. They serve as an excellent example of the diversity and significance of wildlife in the natural environment and also serve as a reminder of the importance of conserving their habitats to protect this species and others.
Unbreakable Bonds - A mothers Love and her Protective Instincts. In a incident that I witnessed in the Maasai Mara of Kenya, a sow showcased its bravery and parental instincts by saving its piglet from a well-known leopardess. The encounter began when the leopardess stealthily approached the Warthog family, eyeing the vulnerable piglets. She managed to catch one of the three piglets and instinctively, the mother reacted by attacking Leopard\'s abdomen with her powerful tusks and tossing her up in the air. This made her drop the piglet immediately from her jaws and scamper off into the thicket for safety. The piglet was fortunate to have survived yet another day in the wild thanks to its mother\'s protective instincts and strength - a clear testament of how brave these animals really are.
According to the recent survey, the number of Bornean orangutans has probably dropped by more than 80% in the past 3 generations. This is a very high rate of extinction for any species in the world. As per IUCN Red Data List, Orangutan is critically endangered species. Orangutans are legally protected under national and international law; however, the rules and regulations alone are not sufficient to actively protect this intelligent species. The conservation of orangutans requires the concerted and concerted efforts of all stakeholders in the region and the political arena to ensure its success.
Anil T Prabhakar, Indonesia, Balikpapan
The Majestic shake
The Majestic shake by the male lion just after a heavy rain
Joshy Varghese, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
The bears of McNeil river
In this photo series, I want to showcase the largest congregation of bears at McNeil river in Alaska, USA. This series showcases awe inspiring spectacle of the gathering, interactions between the bears, their myriad techniques to catch salmon, and hope for newer generations. Through these photos I aim to take the viewers through a journey of the story that unfolds each summer during the salmon runs. Each year, a mesmerizing ritual unfolds as these powerful beings come together, drawn by the promise of abundant chum salmon. Their numbers steadily increase, creating a captivating display of wild unity and instinctive harmony amidst the pristine wilderness. From swift leaps and precise paw strikes to patient waiting and swift underwater maneuvers, each bear adopts a unique strategy to maximize their success. As the gathering intensifies, the bears' proximity to one another sparks moments of tension and territorial displays. Meanwhile, at a distance, a heartwarming scene unfolds—a pair of bears engaging in the tender act of mating, kindling new hope for future generations.
Parth Shiras, United States, New York
Моя любимая шишка!
Бурундук добывает шишки кедрового стланика
Evgeniya Levina, Russian Federation, г. Нерюнгри (Якутия)
Puffin collection
Photo series dedicated to Puffins that are on Skomer Island
Marco Rondi, Italy, Villa di Serio (Bergamo)
Королевским строем
Королевские пингвины отличные пловцы, но как ни странно боятся воды. Стать жертвой других крупных подводных хищников никто не хочет. Пернатые очень долго настраиваются на то, чтобы войти в антарктические воды. Они могут часами кружить на берегу. Намерения очевидны, надо идти в воду, потому как каждому необходимо есть.
Evgeny Borisov, Russian Federation, Барнаул
Solio's essence, stripped of colour, emerges in the timeless dance of light and shadows
Solio's noble rhinos and other animals, framed against a canvas of billowing clouds, embodies both strength and vulnerability. This wide-angle perspective captures the grandeur of the landscape, where conservation and the untamed beauty of the sky converge, showcasing the precious harmony within Solio Game Reserve.
Я больше не буду!
I wont do it again! The result of a bear fight. Kurile lake. Kamchatka.
Sergey Puponin, Russian Federation, Moscow
Arctic Exodus
In the heart of Churchill, Canada, a land where tundra meets icy waters, a chilling tale unfolds as climate change casts its long, foreboding shadow over the lives of the majestic polar bears.As the temperature rises and ice formation delays, the polar bears find themselves stranded on land for longer durations than ever before. The sea ice, once a reliable platform for hunting seals and navigating the vast Arctic expanses, becomes elusive, leaving the bears with a stark choice – adapt or face the consequences.With their primary hunting grounds becoming increasingly inaccessible, the polar bears are forced to wander farther inland in search of alternative food sources. The once plentiful seal population, crucial for the bears' survival, dwindles as the changing climate disrupts the delicate balance of the ecosystem.As the bears embark on their extended terrestrial journeys, they encounter new challenges. Human settlements, unfamiliar territory for these wild creatures, become obstacles in their quest for sustenance. Conflicts arise as the bears, desperate and hungry, venture closer to civilization in their relentless pursuit of food.The prolonged wait on land takes a toll on the bears' physical condition. With reduced access to their preferred diet, they experience diminished health, lower reproductive rates, and increased vulnerability to diseases. The traditional rhythms of polar bear life, finely tuned to the ebb and flow of sea ice, are thrown into disarray.Yet, amidst the adversity, a glimmer of hope emerges. Conservation efforts intensify as researchers, local communities, and global organizations rally together to address the challenges faced by these iconic Arctic inhabitants. Innovative strategies, from establishing protected habitats to raising awareness about the impacts of climate change, strive to secure a future where polar bears can thrive once more."Arctic Exodus" is a poignant narrative that unfolds against the stunning backdrop of Churchill, capturing the struggles, resilience, and collaborative spirit in the face of a changing climate. Through the lens of captivating images, the story of polar bears in Churchill becomes a powerful symbol of the urgent need for global action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the fragile ecosystems of our planet's icy realms.
Rémi Vacher, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Agalychnis callidryas (Red eyed Tree frog on a split-leaf philodendron leaf in Costa Rica
L Zapata, Costa Rica, San Jose
Yellow Bittern The Yellow Bittern is a species of heron found mainly in marshy wetlands and mangrove forests in Asia. It has a slender build, about 38–46 cm long, with a wingspan of 55–65 cm. The head is yellowish orange, the back is dark brown with black stripes. The neck and chest are bright yellow. The belly is white with black barring. The bill and legs are blackish gray. The tail is short and dark brown. The Yellow Bittern is a solitary, very shy bird, usually hiding in dense clumps of reeds. They feed at night, mainly on fish, frogs, shrimp and crabs. During the day they sleep among the reeds. They have the habit of freezing like a statue when threatened. The call of the Yellow Bittern sounds like a repetitive \"cuc-cuc cuc-cuc\". They build nests of dried grass and leaves in low trees or dense vegetation near water. The breeding season is from March to August, laying 2-5 eggs. Both parents incubate the eggs and care for the young. Currently, the Yellow Bittern is threatened due to destruction of its natural wetland habitat. It is classified as a near-threatened species.
The "blue bird of happiness" is a Kingfisher
I am lucky because I could spend the new year in the company of this wonderful little bird.The sight of this colorful bird always amazes me
Erika Katics, United Kingdom, Gloucester
Горная горилла с детенышем. Уганда. Национальный парк Бвинди.
GUDKOV ANDREY, Russian Federation, Москва
Hunting the kingfisher
This series shows the hunting of the kingfisher. Starting on the branch, then plunging into the water. Then breaking out of the water with the fish, turning, and flying away. It's a wonderful sight live.
Erika Katics, United Kingdom, Gloucester
Family Vacation.
Japanese Macaques treat themselves a nice onsen bath at the Hell's Valley of Nagano, Japan.
Sebastian Tan, Malaysia, Petaling Jaya
Each type of love is different
The mother dolphin swam cautiously to prevent humans from approaching her baby, and when the humans were far away, she swam close to them. The mother whale swam from behind, anxiously waiting for her baby to rise to the surface to breathe. The love of cuddling and the love of watching over each other are both different and both are precious.
Opsrey Clutching Rarely Seen Specklefin Midshipman
I have been photographing Osprey fishing for over five years and this is the first time I have ever seen or captured one with a rarely seen Specklefin Midshipman (Porichthys Myriaster), a bottom feeder that dwells at depths up to 500 feet. They have rows of shiny, pearly dots (photophores) on their head and body that resemble the brass buttons on a midshipman's uniform, hence its name. Marine biologists say the phosphores are luminescent and the Midshipman can turn them on or off at will while hunting for prey in the dark abyss. This photo was taken at sunset after waiting over seven hours on a blustery day and watching the male osprey return without a catch five times while its mate was incubating her eggs. Huntington Beach, CA - USA Sony a9ii, Sony 600GM f/4, Sony 1.4xTC (840mm). EXIF: 1/2500sec, f/6.3, ISO 320, handheld, manual mode.
John LeeWong, United States, Los Angeles, CA
Cotton flakes
This photo has a very important meaning for me, since it took me several weeks to take it. It was breeding season and I knew that they would go down at dusk at one end of the lagoon. After several attempts and getting closer to them little by little I was able to achieve this beautiful photograph with their reflection in the water as a mirror. I hope you like it and sorry for my bad English.
The King
A solitary king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) showed up in the coast of Cabo San Pablo (Tierra de Fuego, Argentina), some 300km north of the nearest known colony. Even though the king penguin is not currently considered a threatened species, large-scale commercial fishing and ocean rising temperatures are expected to make their population decline by a 70% in the next few decades.
Luis Arpa Toribio, Spain, Hospitalet
Заснеженный зубр
В заповедник "Калужские засеки" пришла настоящая русская зима, грянули морозы. Тщательно охраняемый вид дикого животного - зубр как будто не чувствовал холода под своей мощной, густой шерстью, хоть и обильно покрытой инеем. Казалось вот-вот, наподобие медведей, зубр впадет в зимнюю спячку, когда его глаза постепенно начали закрываться под тяжестью налипшего на ресницы снега. Предрассветная температура поразила, упав почти до минус 30 градусов. Как в замедленной съемке зубры неспешно выходили из леса на сумеречный свет, покрытые инеем и выдыхая облака пара, придавая своему амплуа еще более загадочный вид.
Dmitriy Don, Russian Federation, Москва
In the heart of Amboseli's vast wilderness, a defining moment unfolded one afternoon. Craig, the gentle giant of the savannah, graced the landscape with his majestic presence, his colossal form captivating all who beheld him. As he ambled past, his massive tusks glistened in the sunlight, a testament to his strength and resilience. In a world where few big tuskers remain, Craig stood as a symbol of the importance of conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures. From my vantage point, I captured Craig in all his splendor, the low angle emphasizing his immense size and stature. It was a humbling sight, a reminder of the responsibility we bear to safeguard the most intelligent animals on our planet. In that fleeting moment, I felt a deep connection to Craig and his world. His presence stirred something within me—a sense of awe and reverence for the beauty of nature and the need to preserve it for future generations. As Craig disappeared into the wilderness, I reflected on the privilege of witnessing such a sight. This image, frozen in time, serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of protecting these magnificent creatures and the fragile ecosystems they call home.
Drops of Life
This spotted Hyena drinking water reminded me the water is so precious a commodity for plat earth. While a significant portion of earth is water, we are still struggling to have access to drinking water. And by we I mean humans, animals alike.
Debabrata Bagchi, India, Bangalore South
Портрет для потомков
Соболь. Национальный парк \"Красноярские Столбы\"
Анатолич, Russian Federation, Красноярск
This was a memorable moment for me , captured at Masaimara National Reserve, Kenya .I was observing the movement of the cheetah since morning. At around 1 pm she targeted an Impala standing alone in the forest. She was moving very silently . I was keeping my focus on the cheetah with animal eye tracking. Suddenly it started to chase the impala. All on a sudden the Impala jumped in the air to escape. The cheetah was also started to jump to grasp the Impala. At that moment I triggered in burst mode and captured this moment.
Южная Джоржия. Королевские пингвины. Родитель наконец нашел свое дитя среди тысячи малышей.
Evgeny Borisov, Russian Federation, Барнаул
The Elephants of Amboseli
Here is a collection of elephant images that were taken during the drought. Climate change is real!
Ali Khataw, United States, Austin
Зимняя сказка на лебедином озере
Дикие лебеди зимуют на незамерзающем озере в Алтайском крае в России. В озере есть теплые источники, они позволяют лебедям пережить холодную сибирскую зиму. В этом году морозы достигали -45 градусов. Инспекторы заповедника защищают лебедей от браконьеров.
Kirill, Russian Federation, Москва
South Africa
A collection of wildlife pictures taken in Kruger National Park
Geran Raath, South Africa, Nelspruit
Ночной дозор 3 !))
Кения, Lentorre lodge, львята, 2023 год
Arkadiy Zlochevskiy, Russian Federation, Москва
Osprey Fishing
The only bird of prey feeding only with fish. Its precision and speed is stunning, the capacity of spotting a fish through the water is amazing. The dive is often almost a vertical descent at high speed, talons out and straight in front of it. The rise from the water often seems a struggle, the weight of the fish bringing the bird down, but most of the times it's more of a meticulous action to sense the correct direction of the wind for an easier lift off. And up! It flies back to the nest.
Flight of the Impala
Who said Impala\'s can\'t fly? An Impala Antelope takes flight escaping from chasing Lions
CLINT RALPH, South Africa, Centurion
I suspect I will need more runway
A Giraffe takes flight with a swarm of Red Billed Oxpeckers chasing it.
CLINT RALPH, South Africa, Centurion
Save Some for Us!
Anhinga parent feeding three hungry and rapidly growing chicks.
Jackie Schletter, United States, Savannah
Survival of the fittest
A devoted polar bear mother and her three cubs, a tableau of contrasts as the smallest one searches for sustenance in a world where ice's absence makes finding food a daunting challenge
Rémi Vacher, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Games of Death
Lion Cubs at play doubling up as training & practice for one day when they will have to wrestle prey to the ground
CLINT RALPH, South Africa, Centurion
This picture was captured from dhaka, where in a lake a baby of bronze winged jacana was hiding itself under the water. It hide it's whole body as like only it's face was visible upper side of the water and create a reflection.
প্রিন্স পাল জয়, Bangladesh, Dhaka
Golden Symphony: A Dreamy Ode to Nature's Elegance
Al Qudra Lakes is a special place in Dubai for people who love taking pictures of birds and nature. I go there every weekend with my camera to capture the beauty of the birds. One day was extra special – a rare moment unfolded. The artificial lake is surrounded by lots of greenery, making it a beautiful backdrop. Each weekend visit feels like a meeting with the world of birds. On this morning, something magical happened in front of my camera. It was a special, rare moment that felt like a dream. Luckily, I managed to take some amazing photos with a beautiful background. Nature was kind to me, and the sunlight created a lovely bokeh effect on the water. The sky turned golden, making everything look like a fairy tale. In the middle of this magic, a black-winged stilt bird gracefully landed in front of me. It walked straight towards my camera, which was surprising and exciting. The combination of the elegant bird and the golden sunlight made the photo look like a dramatic masterpiece. It felt like a scene from a Pixar movie, like the moments in "Piper." The black-winged stilt became the star of my photo, capturing the unreal beauty of that special morning at Al Qudra Lakes.
DEEPA GIRISH, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
In the serene ambiance of Amboseli National Park, a breathtaking encounter unfolded one morning. A magnificent sight greeted my eyes: a colossal elephant, majestic and regal, strolling towards me with graceful ease. In the foreground stood the beautiful tusker, his imposing presence commanding attention. Against the backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, its snow-capped peak piercing the azure sky, the scene was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Halfway between earth and Mount Kilimanjaro, clouds hung suspended, adding a touch of mystique to the landscape. It was a sight to behold, a moment frozen in time where nature's grandeur unfolded in all its splendor. As I gazed through my lens, capturing the scene before me, I marveled at the unique perspective before me. The juxtaposition of the majestic elephant against the iconic Kilimanjaro created a composition that was both powerful and serene. In that moment, I felt a deep sense of connection to the natural world—a reminder of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. This image, with its unique perspective and stunning backdrop, serves as a testament to the timeless allure of Amboseli and the majestic creatures that call it home.
Sweet dreams.
Very comfortable brown bear taking a nap before heading to the surf to fish.
Jeff C Birmingham, United States, CORPUS CHRISTI
Mashka and her cubs
Mashka is a fisher bear on the Kurile Lake, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. She is raising 2 cubs and protects them from other bears.
Sergey Puponin, Russian Federation, Moscow
In the heart of Solio Game Reserve, a tender tale unfolds beneath the vast African sky. Two rhinos, a mother and her calf, stand as guardians of the land. As I approached, the calf's curiosity sparked, drawing it closer in a playful dance of innocence and wonder. Time seemed suspended as it darted back to its mother, seeking reassurance in her comforting presence. Meanwhile, the mother exuded a quiet confidence, undisturbed by our shared moment. Her serene demeanor spoke volumes of trust in humanity, a rare gift amidst the wild. With each playful approach of her calf, she remained steadfast, a beacon of strength and protection. In a moment of serendipity, the distance between us dissolved, bridged by mutual understanding and respect. As I captured this snapshot, the connection between us transcended mere observation, becoming a testament to the profound bond shared between humans and wildlife. In this sanctuary of Solio, I realized the power of time and connection to dissolve barriers, forging unforgettable moments in the embrace of nature's splendor.
Il Bramito del Cervo Nobile.
Il bramito del cervo nobile durante il periodo degli amori, in un paese del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo. Ho seguito questo cervo per l'intero weekend, monitorando attività e spostamenti.
Bolognese Christian, Italy, Fermignano
Sharing our Life with Gentle yet Majestic Living Beings!
Segments of Sharing our Life with Living Beings... African Elephant Makes one think about our beingness, does it not? “Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of autumn.” —John Muir
Midge Engelbrecht, South Africa, Port Elizabeth
In the tranquil embrace of the conservation area in Amboseli, I embarked on a journey to reconnect with a familiar soul - the gentle giant known as Craig. Amidst whispers of the wild, I eagerly sought his majestic presence. After a patient wait, there he stood, surrounded by his kin, a regal figure against the backdrop of nature's canvas. Joy surged within me at the sight of him, our last encounter etched vividly in my memory. As our eyes met, a silent understanding passed between us. Would Craig remember me? Uncertainties lingered, but as he began to approach, a mix of excitement and anticipation swept over me. With each stride, he drew nearer, his grace and enormity a sight to behold. I clicked my camera, capturing every majestic movement as he closed the distance. Then, in a surreal moment, Craig paused, as if acknowledging our bond. With a wave of his trunk, he seemed to say hello, and I snapped the photograph, freezing that extraordinary instance in time. In that moment, I realized the profound connection between human and animal. Craig's gesture was a reminder of the empathy and understanding that can bridge the gap between species, a testament to the harmony that exists within nature's tapestry.
A crowded territory
In the vast expanse of the Arctic where the sea struggles more and more to freeze, a mother polar bear orchestrates a swift pursuit, teaching her cubs the art of defending their family territory. As the polar bears get stranded on land longer, their number on the shore becomes higher which leads to more conflict.
Rémi Vacher, United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Урагус. Long-tailed rosefinch.
Урагус - зимний цветок Сибири. Long-tailed rosefinch - the winter flower of Siberia.
Ekaterina Dubrovskaia, Russian Federation, Железногорск
Curtain Call
This playful black bear cub lost all inhibitions as she played like astage actor with a found stick
Dave Shaffer, United States, Chicago
Coexistence. Much of the vitality in life lies in the honoring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities. Shot at Kirimatian, Kenya. Shot in Sep 2023.
Debabrata Bagchi, India, Bangalore South
Beautiful Kingfisher
The "blue bird of happiness". Every time I see this beautiful little bird, it takes my breath away.
Erika Katics, United Kingdom, Gloucester
One horned rhinoceros
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature-the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. This image of the pride of Assam The One Horned Rhinoceros was captured at Pobitora Wild Life Sanctuary on a foggy morning while it was crossing the road surrounded by woods depicts the beauty of Nature. The Indian one-horned Rhinoceros is one of the precious gems of Indian wildlife. Indian Rhinos typically feed during early morning and late evening when the temperatures are cooler and immerse themselves in nearby rivers and mud holes during the hottest parts of the day. EXIF Details- Shutter-1/500 Aperture- F/5.6 ISO-280
The first step
Lioness taking her first step towards the prey without alerting it.
Sujitt Nicholas Manchini, Saudi Arabia, Dammam
The spy who got caught
In the green fields of Dhanauri, a drama unfolded, as captivating as it was brutal. A Sarus crane, a feathered giant, towered over a crow, a mere speck in its presence. The crane, with its regal posture and booming call, issued a stern warning: stay away. But the crow, a creature of boundless audacity, ignored the giant's pleas. It fluttered closer, its beady eyes gleaming with mischief, perhaps testing the limits of the crane's patience. The air crackled with tension, a silent duel of wills. Suddenly, the crane, its long neck a blur of motion, lunged forward. The crow, caught off guard, was no match for the swiftness of the attack. The crane's powerful beak clamped down, catching the crow by its foot. With a fierce shake of its head, the crane swung the crow from side to side, a silent display of dominance. Then, in a surprising turn, it turned towards its mate, as if seeking her approval. The female crane, witnessing the subdued crow, erupted in a flurry of fury. Her sharp beak lashed out, delivering a series of harsh chomps on the hapless crow. The punishment, swift and decisive, served as a final warning. With a final shake, the cranes released their captive. The crow, battered but alive, scurried away, its bravado thoroughly deflated. The wetland, once again, fell silent, the only sound the rustle of grass and the distant call of unseen birds. This brief encounter, a testament to the pecking order of the natural world, left an indelible mark on me. It was a story etched in feathers and fury, a reminder of the raw power and complex dynamics that lie beneath the surface of even the most serene landscapes.
Samir Sachdeva, India, Greater Noida
Polar bears in Canada
Polar bears in Manitoba, Canada.
Karthik Subramaniam, United States, San Francisco
Intimacy at its Peak
The shot was taken during a Morning Safari in Maasai Mara, Kenya. Its a beautiful and intimate moment between a lion couple. I have seen mating behaviors in the wild but never have I ever witnessed something so unique and intimate. This picture shows how beautiful nature can be if we observe her.
Nurtured Owlets
A mother, great horn owl, nurtures her Young outlets in the nest
Nancy Koch, United States, St. Petersburg
"Masai Mara's magical moments - painting a vivid tapestry of nature's beauty in the heart of Masai Mara."
The breathtaking theatre of life as the sun bathes the savannah in warm, golden hues during the magic hour. Graceful giraffes, vigilant topi, and elegant impalas come together in a harmonious display of nature's symphony, painting the Mara in an ethereal light that captures the essence of the wild at dusk."
Fire or Water ?
Fire or water ? Reflect on this and choose wisely. Shot in Kenya, Sep 2023.
Debabrata Bagchi, India, Bangalore South
The life of a White tailed kite pair
White tailed kites mate and cooperatively build their nests and hunt and feed each other and their young
KAREN BILGRAI COHEN, United States, Santa Cruz
High Stepping
Gecko making a run for it in slow motion.
Jeff C Birmingham, United States, CORPUS CHRISTI
Black Grouse Mating Season
Every year the males of this wonderful bird gather at the lek to fight each other and mate with the females. Experiencing such an event is really extraordinary. The action and the sound are unforgettable and the transformation the male goes through make him visually stunning. The activity increase drastically whenever a female grace the lek of her presence and males do their best to impress her.
In the tranquil twilight of Solio Game Reserve, a breathtaking scene unfolded beneath the dramatic sky. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the diverse landscape, three rhinos grazed peacefully, their serene presence adding to the splendor of the evening. With quiet grace, the rhinos approached, one drawing remarkably close as I composed my shot. In that moment, a sense of connection and trust filled the air, allowing me to capture their essence with ease. Inspired by the depth and drama of the sky, I chose to render the image in black and white, emphasizing the contrast between light and shadow. The dense clouds above added a touch of mystery to the scene, enhancing its allure. As I reflected on the experience, I realized the importance of making subjects feel comfortable. In doing so, they willingly shared their space, allowing for intimate moments to be captured. From my low angle perspective, I observed the scene unfold, each detail adding to the narrative of Solio's wilderness. It was a moment of harmony between man and nature, immortalized in a single frame
Matting frame ID- Asian water monitor Shot on Nikon d7500 with nikkor 200-500mm lense Kolaghat,Purba medinipur,west bengal, india. I capture this shot very low light. After sunset cloudy and rainy weather. I saw two monitor lizard was matting in our pond. I run firstly and take camera and click some shot.
"Nature's Sentinel: Solio's lone rhino stands tall in the face of gathering clouds."
In the tranquil twilight of Solio Game Reserve, a breathtaking scene unfolded beneath the brewing storm. As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, dense clouds gathered overhead, casting an ominous shadow over the landscape. Amidst this atmospheric backdrop, a lone figure emerged—a colossal male rhino, his majestic features illuminated by the fading light. Drawn by his commanding presence, I aimed my camera, eager to capture the essence of this magnificent creature. Despite the impending storm, the rhino grazed unperturbed, a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of nature's fury. As I clicked away, the rhino's curiosity was piqued, and he drew nearer, intrigued by my presence. In a remarkable display of awareness, he seemed to pose for the camera, as if acknowledging our shared moment in time. Against the backdrop of the dense cloud cover, I captured a portrait of unparalleled majesty—a testament to the untamed beauty of Solio's wilderness. In this fleeting encounter, I found myself in awe of the symbiotic relationship between human and nature.