Passion and pain at artisanal fishing
It was with shyness that I approached these fishermen who exercised their activity in the waters of the River Sado, and it was with great humility that they allowed me to photograph. Listening to their stories, I was able to live and register with my machine, their art of fishing for cuttlefish, their effort, but also their passion. Maybe I had the privilege of living these moments, with the last generation of these fishermen.
Artisanal fishing in the Sado estuary is the livelihood base of many families in the communities of Gambia, Faralhão/Moriscas, Carrasqueira, Possanco
and Setúbal. However, the number of fishermen has decreased, and the majority who carry out this activity are already of an advanced age.
Estuary of the River Sado (Possanco, Setúbal, Portugal)
Luís da Cunha Pais, Portugal, Oeiras