The desert ship
There is an eternal relationship between bedouins and camels. Camels played a vital role in wars, transportation, and were and still are considered a source of wealth. In addition, camels’ milk and meat provided the necessary means of living in the harsh desert environment. Therefore, the Bedouins paid attention to their camels and learned through time how to breed them and take care of them.
Conflicts between tribes would occur from time over the ownership of camels. Arab history has many examples of such conflicts including the famous 40 years war between two large Arab tribes named Taghlib and Baker.
Unfortunately, in recent years, the importance of camels has started to diminish due to the modernization of societies and the change in our lifestyles. However, this hasn’t affected the relationship between the Bedouins and their camels. The special relationship still exists, although breeding camels has become more of a hobby.
Nowadays, camels are mainly used for racing. Annually, camel racing takes place during the winter months in different racetracks across the country. In addition, the government organizes camel festivals in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and has established multiple veterinaries across the country in order to meet the increasing demand for camel care.
Shyjith Onden Cheriyath, United Arab Emirates, Dubai