Mindfield [TOP100]
ꭑῑῄᵭ⁞ᵳיִἐꬹᵭ ﴾﴾ ۣۣۣۣ۟۟۟۟۟۟۟ ﴿ٕ﴿ٕ This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in/ This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
Georgiy Alexandrov, Russian Federation, Иваново
Утиный цветок (Duck flower) [TOP100]
These ducks (mallards) decided to winter in Moscow's main botanical garden where visitors usually came to feed them. I noticed their manner to swim from all sides to take a snack and tried to show birds' dynamics using long shutter speed and a flash that helped to draw their shapes better.
Oksana Bystritskaia, Russian Federation, Воронеж
Régate marine
Королевская регата в Каннах – удивительное зрелище. Кажется, что огромные яхты неторопливо скользят по акватории. Но паруса наполняются ветром, и белоснежные корабли исчезают в морской дымке. Мы ехали по Promenade de la Croisette, когда увидели на горизонте белые паруса. Воздушная дымка придавала кадру еще больше романтики. Я использовал телеобъектив для создания нужной композиции.
Valery Romanov, Russian Federation, Москва
Софья в бутылке
Макияж и укладка Дарья Ширяева Модель Софья Федотова актриса театра и кино Локация Фотостудия Рестайл
Komarova Darya, Russian Federation, Екатеринбург
As an art-lover I often visits places of Bengal, relating creation and creativity. Whenever I go to those places I feel really lite and free. I take inspirations from the people and their artworks. "village GHURNI"(Krishnanagar, Bengal) is such a place and my most favourite one. Not only because of amazing clay-dolls of that place, but also because of the people. They are really "down to art", dedicated and proud for their creations and of course very welcoming. That was my 3rd oportunity to visit village Ghurni. After a tiring journey me and one of my friend reached there when it was around 11 a.m.. We were sitting on a rock beside an old pottery shop, then surprisingly I heard a voice of an old man, asking, "where are you guys coming from?" "You looks tired" - The kind person was the old potter in the image - I replied him back. After a little conversation he offered us to have some water and few sweets, called "Batasa", going inside his cottage. We were tired, so we accept his kind proposal instantly. And there in his cottage we met his family. Such a sweet and transparent family! Spending few lovely hours to remember with him and his family I realized the old potter is very emotional about his creations. After experiencing a nice lunch all together, while I was secretly observing him at his workshop, he was making some idols of Lord Ramakrishna with such a parental care. Meanwhile I felt, "GOD FORMING IN HIS AFFECTION, AND HE WAS WORSHIPING GOD THROUGH HIS CREATION". Then I tried to explore his very own world through this portraiture and named the given. I remember, there we (me & my friend) spend around 6 hours that day, without knowing when the time flew away. Every time I look at this image, my mind reminds me of those best ever sweet memories of my travel and the example of humanity. 3 years passed away and I haven't visit the place again. Who knows how they doing! But I must go someday again...........
В данной фотографии пытался показать хаотичное движение волн, отражающие человеческие судьбы.
Nurgali Auyezov, Kazakhstan, Шымкент
Egyptian Transformation
Egyptian Transformation. This project was inspired by my visit to Luxor and the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. It left me a great impression. So I decided to create a set of five photos with Egyptian themes. It’s my modern concept of art.
Danyi Jozef, Czech Republic, Bruntal
Musical bodyscape
The series from which is this work shows the lines and shapes of women body and the similarities with the lines and shapes of musical instruments. It's an erotic dance of body and instrument from which music is born
JAKAB TIBOR, Romania, Targu Mures
The woman returned after a day working in the field. Look worried about the season, the bamboo bridge and their agricultural products. It is known in Cam Dong village that two bamboo bridges built by the people for the production of moving. However, there was a broken bridge due to the harshness of the weather, caused by the big boat. The worry about the only remaining bridge will last and how long to move to the other side of the river by means of which are the concerns in the view.
Unther the rain
Creative edit from a photo taken in the last December in a land of Majorca Island
Bjdgvb kkuytn, Kazakhstan, Blu
Стая/ The Flock
I was walking along a sea coast. I saw a man, he was standing and looking forward. Suddenly a flock of seagulls flew above him. A man was standing without moving whole time. It looked like a shot from some movie. Seagulls were flying from the man high into the sky and were carrying away all his worries and fears, his doubts and bad thoughts. He was standing and waiting for them to fly in the sky. I’ve coughed my camera and taken this shot.
Elena Bogdanova, Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
Детские страхи
Снято на длинной выдержке одним кадром. На снимке один ребенок пугается сам себя. Без обработки.
Влада Трифонова, Russian Federation, Новосибирск
The girl in a chair
Be caught a small fish big and small. It is important and interesting to me to remove all lighting, color and physical effects at once in one shot. A task difficult, but its realization and process of shooting, and, above all - result which turns out, deliver difficult and content difficult to explain from the done work.
Vladimir Kurakov, Russian Federation, Димитровград
Impression Sanjie Liu
A scene with actors on bamboo rafts. Part of the light show in Yangshuo
Aleksei Nikolaev, Russian Federation, Владивосток
Unwanted skin
De nos jour le question du plastique est devenue une problématique cliché, plutôt une propagation des idée contres des produis spécifique en plastique et pas contres toute la matière. Ce n’est plutôt qu’une empathie sélectives. Mon intention est de repenser cette matière son importances et ses conséquences. Cette matière que je vois moi comme une deuxième peau. Une peau qui révolutionne et qu’ont peux pas s’en débarrasser elle a plutôt le même rôle de protection est préservation mais celle-là restera toujours indésirable.
Drawn by seeds placed in a backyard pool, canaries alight and, with their reflections, create a lyrical portrait. I built this pool and hung the colored backdrop to set the stage for this image, but it took many months of patient waiting to finally capture what I had envisioned. “I hope people will see this as a dance between two birds,” “and think they are beautiful.”
Luisa Lynch Harris, Spain, Santa Ursula
laissez poser les petits papiers
la papeterie d'Evergnicourt avait laissé ses portes ouvertes, laissant apparaître ces balles de papier tel un tableau ....
Graal Photographies, France, Evergnicourt
Фотопроект "ВАТЕРЛИНИЯ или АБСТРАКТНЫЙ РЕАЛИЗМ» Всегда удивительно увидеть, обнаружить в привычном, в знакомом нечто новое, необычное или ещё, возможно, никем незамеченное. В фотопроекте «Ватерлиния» мне удалось запечатлеть то, что в реальности больше похоже на авангардную живопись, чем на саму реальность. Абстрактные изображения, кажущиеся на первый взгляд нарисованными, "сделанными", на самом деле не что иное как реальные ватерлинии кораблей, яхт и катеров всевозможных размеров и стран. Сфотографированные при разном освещении c определённого ракурса крупным планом фрагменты этих линий на границе их соприкосновения с водой создают сложную рефлексию, не дающую блуждающему взгляду сфокусироваться на каком-то определённом образе. В результате я не просто фотографирую объект в среде, игру света и цвета, а определяю среду, включающую объект и реагирующую на его присутствие. Цветные линии, нанесённые когда-то на разноцветные борта, по своему состарившиеся со следами от солёных морских брызг и их отражения в воде - это пограничное состояние двух стихий, где можно наблюдать парадоксальные картины-знаки, отсылающие заинтригованное сознание, например, к авангардным полотнам Малевича, или в них можно увидеть разнообразные флаги несуществующих стран и какие-то таинственные живописные пейзажи. На самом же деле: сверху – минималистичная, статичная геометрия, снизу - плавная непредсказуемая, подвижная волнистость, а отражения и блики, скользящие по поверхностям, повторно отражённые, дополнительно искривляют пространство и создают эффект многоплановости и глубины в этих простых фотодокументах. Поверхность водной глади, являющаяся естественной линией горизонта, здесь превращает его в горизонт фантазий, заманивая увлечённое сознание в путешествие воображения. Виктор Фрейденберг
Victor Freydenberg, Russian Federation, Москва
Дух дерева
Боди арт Елена Красильникова (псевдоним в соц. сетях), фотограф Алексей Шубин , работа сделана для конкурса косметической компании NYX
Елена Стрижакова, Russian Federation, Зеленоградск
The sun melted by frost. Солнце расплавленное морозом.
Sunset in the forest. The rays of the Sun penetrating into the airy frosty layers create the effect of the melted Sun. Also, the photograph has an effect when the branches of trees are reflected in the air clouds moving in the air. This is a natural and unique natural phenomenon of reflection in the frosty air, fills the frame, making it unusual, dynamic and fascinating. Tver. December 2018. Закат Солнца в лесу. Лучи Солнца, проникающие в воздушные морозные слои, создают эффект расплавленного Солнца. Также, на фотографии присутствует эффект, когда ветки деревьев отражаются в, перемещающихся в воздухе, воздушных облаках. Это естественное и уникальное природное явление отражения в морозном воздухе, заполняет кадр, делает его необычным, динамичным и завораживающим.Тверь. Декабрь 2018.
Larisa Antonova, Russian Federation, Тверь
History of Picture. Hall of Old Hotel "London, in Georgia, Tbilisi. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Germans were working in the hotel "London" Richter's family. Lots of travelers mention this hotel and only just - positively. Almost everybody says that it was the best hotel in the Caucasus, a lot - the best in Russia, and one even says that I have not seen such a good hotel in the world. What was London "distinguished"? "It was a well-organized model of family hospitality when the owner of the hotel knows all the clients personally, providing them with an atmospheric cozy atmosphere and on the other hand a very high standard of service and food. There was a restaurant and everything that could be offered to the hotel client, personally cares about them, the atmosphere of this family cozy and, on the other hand, very high standards of service and food. There was a restaurant and everything that can be offered to the hotel client. Hereby, "London" achieved a high status that it had for a long time, forty years, until the end of the foundation.
deja vu
the aim is to trigger the emotion to shift perception
Tibor Eliáš, Slovakia, Liptovsky Mikulas
35AWARDS 2018!