Signs in the Sky - Dragons
Series consist of cloudscapes, structures and forms of clouds and light, which resemble in this series something which look like mythical dragons, dragon's snouts, dragon's fire and skin. Signs are everywhere, some apparent, common, boring, on the roads - so overwatched that invisible. There are sings which come from totally different order, too - something beyond us, something above us.
Signs in The Sky series consist of photographs with shapes and structures created mostly by clouds in the sky. There are legendary and fantasy-theme shapes, animal-like shapes, people-like shapes, faces, letters, numbers, objects which look like some, which we know from everyday life.
Except some background bokeh added in software (on some photos only) any modifications are made in photographs.
In one old dictionary of symbols we may read: Cloud is symbolic of forms as phenomena and appearance, always in a state of metamorphosis, which obscure the immutable quality of Truth. Hence the fact that ancient Christian symbolism interprets the cloud as synonymous with the prophet.
This 10 photographs present shapes, which may be interpretate as dragon - like, dragon - snout close-ups, fire dragons, even dragon rider.
Mateusz Droba, Poland, Krakow