As usual just ignoring what woman said
I made this image on 31st of March 2018 at Masai Mara national reserve, Kenya. I have been following the big cats from quite long time and it’s so nice to see different behavior of these magnificent felines. In this image the lion and lioness were on the hunting mode to feed their pride but the lion kept on stationing at several places and this really annoyed the lioness and thus that the expression. This was very new to me as I thought only humans show these expressions/annoyed (Man vs Woman) but was amazed to see and document the animal behavior. How we ( Humans ) take care of our family in the same way the lions/Animals also take care of their pride, said that When it comes to animal behavior, never say never. In fact, most people who spend a lot of time in the bush continuously witness behavior that is believed not to happen or has never been recorded. The reality is that animals act of their own free will, and don’t always follow the rules of textbooks. What many people believe about animal behavior could be the result of witnessing limited examples of a particular situation. Did I say that Male lion is Lazy? No they are not lazy actually male lions have a reputation for being lazy, but that is far from the truth. A male’s job is critical to the protection of his pride. Male lions patrol the territory where the pride lives, and will fight to protect it. They travel vast distances to patrol their territory, by scent marking and vocalizing, to ensure other lions who may be a threat, stay away. It is critical for male lions to keep out other males, because if another male or coalition comes to dominate, they will kill all the cubs to keep from expending energy on raising cubs that are not their own offspring. I hope you like my small write up and the image.
Joel Gouder, India, Bangalore