the Monk
Baranas (varanasi) has been called the city of Lord Shiva. He is known as a great ascetic, knowledgeable, charitable and devout monk. For this, there are more saints and monks in Varanasi. They are seen in different forms, roaming on the banks of the Ganges, meditating, taking bath in the Ganga. The sadhus who travel around the Ganges, they Begging for livelihood. But in Banaras there are some sages who are in the ashrams and they teach people devotion. Indeed, the sadhu is called to those person who wear garuda cloth after getting the initiation,The basic purpose of a monk (the ascetic) is to guide the path of the society and achieve liberation on the path of religion. Sadhu Sannyasi performs penance while giving wisdom to the world and immersing his life in sacrifice and devotion, merge in God Devotion.This picture of a monk, who roaming near Mahashmashan.
pramod malviya, India, varanasi