Fan Throated Lizard (Male)
Fan-Throated Lizard (Male) in Suryanamaskar pose..!!
(Sitana Ponticeriana)
Location: Pune, India.
Camera: Canon 1200D with 55-250mm lens.
These Male lizards have a thin flap of skin called a gular appendage, between their throat and their abdomen which they can flap/ flash at will.
Summer (May & June) is mating time for these colorful lizards. So the males put up this beautiful display to attract females when she is in his territory of 20 meters and warn off other male lizards.
Normally these appendages are whitish or creamish in color, but what’s interesting is that during the breeding season in summer the males of these species develop a wonderful coloration ranging from blue-black-red. They take positions over small rocks or branches on the ground to find females and flash their brightly colored gular appendages to attract them as a signal of romance..!!
Dr. Preetam R. Patil, India, Pune