In 35AWARDS 2015 took part 36 thousand people from 110 countries. A total of 80 thousand. Photos were submitted. Rating is based on the basis of a better photo which scored the most votes.
From Takabochi highland. Approx 100 km from Mt Fuji. It was wonderful view.
Takashi Nakazawa, Japan
kotomiti, Japan
Sunrise over the Northern Alps
3 frame panorama of a sunrise over the so-called "Northern Alps" of Japan, in Toyama Prefecture (altitude ~2300m). This light show continues as the sun rays start piercing the valley, until finally it is all lit up.
Karyakin Anton, Japan
Morning in Yellowstone
It was shot during the trip across USA in the fall of 2015. It was a beautiful morning in Yellowstone National Park.
Haruko Fujimoto, Japan
shadow smile
There is nothing could makes the world look brighter but a smile.
anda, Japan
The Tree
Sasha, Japan
Rice Field
Nara Village, Nara Prefecture, Japan
Ekaterina, Japan
Not enough pictures to compile rankings in this city. Недостаточно фотографий для составления рейтинга в этом городе