In 35AWARDS 2015 took part 36 thousand people from 110 countries. A total of 80 thousand. Photos were submitted. Rating is based on the basis of a better photo which scored the most votes.
Quilotoa volcano crater is located 3914m up the sea level. It's not uncommon for it to be covered in clouds. If you are on the wrong season and you get to see it from above, you are lucky. As it's visible only and hour of few a day, during rainy season.
Danas Macijauskas, Lithuania
Marius Mork, Lithuania
Последний взгляд
Фото сделано из машины, повернутся не получилось, чтобы бросить последний взгляд на Гергетскую Самебу, но повёрнутый в обратную сторону объектив, позволил взглянуть ещё раз.
Jekaterina, Lithuania
Little crake / Porzana parva / Ма́лый пого́ныш
Simonas Minkevicius, Lithuania
зимняя дорога
Дорога в зимой.
Karolis Janulis, Lithuania
Jonas, Lithuania
No Sail day
Andrius Eitutis, Lithuania
The Golden Autumn rain
Lake Rubikiai. Camera Canon EOS 33.
Alfridas Krivickas, Lithuania
Хаски с очками
Аурелия, Lithuania
Audrius, Lithuania
Алиса, Lithuania
Свет Свечи !
Прихожанка Пречистенского кафедрального собора литовского города Вильнюса
Boris Orlov, Lithuania
Просто Стас
Один, но не одинок..
Krasovsky, Lithuania
Gintaras M., Lithuania
Лебеди на пляже в Валакампяй
Лебеди и утки зимой у реки Нерис на втором пляже в Валакампяй
Mike Gratsas, Lithuania
Young forest
Darius, Lithuania
Просто шар
Anastasija Grišanova, Lithuania
диана, Lithuania
Портрет молодого парня в очках
Vsevolod, Lithuania
White Walls
I was walking through the Rome, on my family trip,when I saw this beautiful building.
Matas, Lithuania
Terra Humana
Terra Humana is a series dedicated to the relationship between a human and one of the elements the earth. The man comes from the earth and returns to the earth. The earth is the primary premise of human existence and the end of it. This vibrant, pulsating matter is open to both birth and death. The place where the dirt clump may turn into life at any given moment and the life can turn into dirt clods. What is a human? Only a temporaly particle of the earth cycle...
Kristina Sereikaite, Lithuania
Мой Вильнюс
Колокольня костела Святых Йонасов Вильнюсского университета